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To propose a new feature or functionality or an improvement or change upon an existing one, first please check out that it is not already on the roadmap, or that it hasn't been discussed already. Try to be as clear as possible when making a new proposal and take into account the instructions provided on "The Process" section. Thanks for contributing, your ideas and proposals are very valuable for this project.

813 proposals

Strong password policy for Admin users
Admin can revoke old verifications
Add images and attachments in Conversations / Groups
Suports ponderats per prioritats
Change the link in author tooltip to send easily a message to the author
Restrict by verification to make comments
Add an "open trash" space for inadmissible initiatives
Clarify the texts for download & delete data in "My account"
Módulo “Espacio de colaboración”
Make sure admins save their changes before leaving
Warn users during Sign Up that nicknames can't have spaces
Add two CTA option to "finish" step of initiatives
Ampliar opcions de l'editor de text.
Ability to create blog posts as a user group
Include a bit of additional details in the HTTP 500 error page message
Enhance initiative homepage block
Documentation/howto's on different scope in Processes
Enable user to switch map background from map to satellite
Change duration in the agenda Meetings
Anonymous survey answers
Notifications on publish reports to meeting organizers
Support/Vote without the need to be registered to Decidim
Optimize Largest Contentful Paint
Add the ability for an admin to contact a user directly
Opt-in to newsletter when using OmniAuth registration method
Completar la funcionalidad polimórfica de seguir
As a user I want to receive a notification when my comment gets and upvote / downvote
Notify author when proposal is selected in sortition
Anonymous proposals
Add user name and nickname next to avatar in conversations
How to coordinate various platforms on different administrative scales?
Allow for multiple attachments on proposals
Improve frontend-design of participatory texts
Allow users/participants as a possible entry for sortition
Replace "Order position" fields with drag & drop
Add show password option on sign in, sign up and forgot password forms
Add a "Return" button in the FO to get back to indexes
Add file uploads field to Discussions component
Add joint file in step 4 of initiative wizard
Create a list of banned words for automatical reporting
Create types of votations and process of votations
Adding new docs in a proposal
Gamification of the administration
Publication date field for blog articles
Digest notifications
Proveedor y cliente de OAuth 2
Módulo “Textos participativos”
Optimize Time to Interactive
Cartes als regidors/es
Mantenimiento y mejora de diseño web y experiencia de usuario
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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