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To propose a new feature or functionality or an improvement or change upon an existing one, first please check out that it is not already on the roadmap, or that it hasn't been discussed already. Try to be as clear as possible when making a new proposal and take into account the instructions provided on "The Process" section. Thanks for contributing, your ideas and proposals are very valuable for this project.

851 proposals

Add option to receive or not private note notification

Media picture: Añadir un contador de comentarios en cada tarjeta de propuesta dentro de la página listado de propuestas

Añadir un contador de comentarios en cada tarjeta de propuesta dentro de la página listado de propuestas

Main repo (merged)

Include endorsements for blog posts

Main repo (merged)

Space for default image when items have no image

Management the registrations and deregistretion participants of an instance

Better handling of the date in Notifications

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: As an admin I want to be able to add custom links on a participatory space navbar

As an admin I want to be able to add custom links on a participatory space navbar

Main repo (merged)

Customizable survey success message

Media picture: [Security] Visual password strength meter (OWASP ASVS v4.0.3-2.1.8)

[Security] Visual password strength meter (OWASP ASVS v4.0.3-2.1.8)

[EN] Change text button assemblies when there are no components

Main repo (merged)

Añadir datos públicos de contexto a los procesos y debates de la ciudadanía.

Option to disable the organizational chart of assemblies

Main repo (merged)

Information only option on surveys

Main repo (merged)

Suggest to the users that register via Oauth subscribing to the newsletter

Millores al mòdul d'enquestes

Main repo (merged)

Possibility for admins to edit anyone's proposals

Strong password policy for Admin users

Main repo (merged)

Allow to filter assemblies by type

Main repo (merged)

Showcase winning projects in budgets

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Add "Create proposal as" in admin "New proposal" form

Add "Create proposal as" in admin "New proposal" form

Configure dedicated domain for a participatory space

Media picture: Make home section .footer_sub_hero html editable

Make home section .footer_sub_hero html editable

Main repo (accepted)

Impersonate user session ending gains admin access

Afegir més d'un padró a la plataforma

Make debate end date

Main repo (merged)
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