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Fem servir galetes per assegurar les funcionalitats bàsiques del lloc web i per a millorar la teva experiència en línia. Pots configurar i acceptar l'ús de galetes, i modificar les teves opcions de consentiment en qualsevol moment.



Analítiques i estadístiques


403 propostes

Unable to change Categories on proposals
Notifications does not work on Metadecidim
User group can endorse several times a same proposal
Als butlletins no es mostren vídeos encastats
Participació en xifres surt els quadres en negre.
Procesos privados no funcionan
Limitation of characters in "creating" step initiatives
Filtre de propostes per categoria no funciona al mapa
Error when generating external component: uninitialized constant Decidim::Generators::ComponentGenerator::Bundler (NameError)
Proposals can be modify even though they've received support or have been commented
[Accessibility] Get rid of ALLCAPS headings and buttons in the default Decidim styling
Private assemblies are shown when becoming childs from another assembly.
Conversations not generating notifications
Shared data between organization
Cannot access notifications on 0.10.x
Followers badge doesn't show the actual number of followers
Invitations to Initiatives are sent before they are published
Problemas de funcionamiento con las Iniciativas
Editar proposta no deixa canviar l'arxiu adjunt a la proposta
"Daughters' assemblies" are still shown despite having been unpublished
Everyone can see the activity of private processes
Invitació a participar bloqueja el registre d'usuari
Error en notificacions email en canviar d'estat una proposta
Metrics without data
Error en la visualització dels comentaris a l'Ultima Activitat (HOME)
No resta el comentari amagat per moderació en el recompte de comentaris
Past processes displayed under Active Processes
Error when creating new scope for initiative type
As a registred user I can answer a survey with verification
Raffle does not show up publicly
FIltering results via category
Messages appear duplicated on conversations.
Links in Proposal's body disappear
Al editar una proposta pot canviar l'autor involuntàriament
Broken metrics task: comment
Resend confirmation instructions - Hard to understand error message
Impossible to see the public profile of a user who has a "." in its nickname
Pages display order is not the same in 'pages/index' and in the main_footer
Error related to special characters to user names
Feedback needed after Endorsing
Votes count appear on linked proposals even when votes are not activated
Filter selector not working on Mobile (with Firefox)
The filter by scope to initiatives doesn't work
Quan creo una proposta veig la proposta draft d'algu altre!
No puc accedir a les trobades del procés de benvinguda
Generar un usuario privado no queda en el registro de actividades de administración [Asambleas]
The process stats counters don't count well all the parameters
Assembly cards on assemblies home page display too much content
The answer options of a Decidim::Form aren't saved correctly when created.
Process filters not functional in IE11
Auto-follow enabled?
Invalid "This group doesn't have any members yet".
Search engine on initiative doesn't work properly
Dynamic multifield sections do not currently work correctly with IE11
Moderate comments visible in the Last activity block
Error when entering a Conference event
Notification error with strings
Newsletter Preview
"Back" link brings to "Complete" step when comparing proposals
Special character like ampersand not accepted on email subject
Visualizaciones en seguimiento PAM inactivas
Meeting detail renders wrong author card size
Unable to edit collaborative draft with attachment if attachment is enabled after it's creation
Assemby admins must not be allowed to send newsletters platform-wide
Progress meter ne devrait pas dépasser 100%
Error maquetació serveis a les trobades
Fijar tamaño de celdas y resolver problemas de interlineados en tarjetas
Content sanitizing breaks proposal content
Proposal component crashes only in English for Roadmap process at meta.decidim
No funciona el enlace de invitación a admin
Header snippets field can't be updated
No permet copiar i enganxar a la descripció
Signatura iniciativa a través de SMS
En el mòdul de consultes no funcionen els components
Typo en uno de los textos de "sobre la comunidad"
Two buttons "create" and "send" when creating a managed user
GraphQL: Cannot return null for non-nullable field
Return 404 if user does not exist
Geolocalització en sessions online
Participatory texts - repeated notifications when making an amendment
Deleted process groups appears in the Groups selector on process list
Interface: Use of 'support' to mean 'vote' can be confusing
[WCAG 2.1 / AA: 3.2.2] Do not dynamically change the page content on filtering forms
Impossible to delete a "survey" component
Error al intentar acceder al configurador de permisos dentro de un componente.
Crear tipos de ámbito, no funciona
Upcoming events in the home page
Format de l'informe de tancament de trobada
Apareix el nombre de vots amagats
Els pressupostos no notifiquen que has excedit el limit pressupostari
The verifier errors are shown duplicated one over the other
Counter intuitive verification Lock icons
Failure when filtering initiatives by tag
User nicknames don't check cases when checking for uniqueness
After the user accepts the TOS, they are redirected back to the TOS page
Error 500 after creating user. Decidim Initiatives
Con coincideixen xifres de participants
Process m-size cards are not properly displayed, they include too much content
Announcement message displays on meeting form
Error homepage of internal links with locale as a parameter
Resultats per pàgina:
Veure totes les propostes retirades


Si us plau, inicia la sessió

La contrasenya és massa curta.
