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Analytics and statistics


408 proposals

Stats for processes: Participants
When clicking Ammendments in participatory text, decidim creates a new one instead of displaying them
Als butlletins no es mostren vídeos encastats
Error 422 for password too short when they invite you
Error crowdin translation on Continuity badge
An incorrect translation variable in the email
Nickname prefix wraps on certain view widths
Consultations created before version 0.16 do not work if there is no scope (global scope)
"Receive a newsletter" checkbox checked by default when inviting a user
No es descarreguen correctament les dades de text lliure d'una enquesta
Docker installation Decidim development fails
No desa configuració butlletins a la configuració de notificacions
In the minutes of the session, a blank box appears if there is only audio or video
Les dates d'inici i fi del procés apareixen de manera automàtica amb errada ortogràfica: en català els mesos van en minúscula i cal apostrofar.
The date of the proposals does not appear on the XL card
Custom colors don't seem to apply everywhere
Quan creo una proposta veig la proposta draft d'algu altre!
Link to "download your data" doesn't work
Fijar tamaño de celdas y resolver problemas de interlineados en tarjetas
Unable to change Categories on proposals
When you create a meeting, notification is sent to the participants even if it is not published
Two buttons "create" and "send" when creating a managed user
Progress meter ne devrait pas dépasser 100%
Create debates as a normal user in a private assembly
[CRITICAL] Vote/support button not responsive
PDF creation within Initiative not translatable
Raffle does not show up publicly
I can't publish the answer to the proposals
Not able to follow another user
Can not secure Consultations with verifiers
Error when relating child and parent Assemblies
Attachments are lost when publishing a collaborative draft proposal
Missing some translations when someone I follow its officialitzation is updated
Dashboard crashes when Proposals are deleted
Titol dades estadístiques processos
Don't know what %{limit} is referring to on the message shown at image attached
User group can endorse several times a same proposal
Importar propostes pot crear propostes duplicades
"Back" link brings to "Complete" step when comparing proposals
Generar un usuario privado no queda en el registro de actividades de administración [Asambleas]
Participatory text with wrong format should return an error on upload
[WCAG 2.1 / AA: 3.2.2] Do not dynamically change the page content on filtering forms
Statistics automatically displayed when creating a new participatory process
Strange behaviour when click on icon next to endorse button
[Accessibility] Get rid of ALLCAPS headings and buttons in the default Decidim styling
Ordenar dates de les trobades/asambleas
Wrong name for supports when are exporting proposals
Debate category is not saved correctly
Terms and conditions aren't shown on an event registration process
Error in posting a process
Limiting the value of projects for participatory budgets
Enlace Plan (pdf) roto. Redirección a portada en vez de resultado.
Default org colors still show up for a milisecond at loading
Invitació a participar bloqueja el registre d'usuari
The evolution of the result presents visualization problems [component accountability]
Al editar una proposta pot canviar l'autor involuntàriament
Participatory texts - file format support in admin
Mentions to a participant are not rendered correctly in email notifications
Participatory texts - too many restrictions on editing proposals
Participatory texts - error uploading UTF-8 files
Statistics blocks number overlaps text underneath
Why can we still comment or follow a withdrawn proposal ?
Incomplete url in notifications for add a file
Notificación en idioma francés con Decidim en català y castellano
Wrong URL leads to czech pages on
Es mostra malament la informació d'un resultat al mòdul seguiment
Search engine on initiative doesn't work properly
Error en la traducció de Properes Trobades en català
Random order is re-calculated when user goes back to proposals list
Newsletter Preview
El nou buscador, està mostrant propostes que no estan públicades
Recomposició de respostes quan fas el modul enquesta
Missing keys in 0.11 ?
Accés al submenú "Participants privades"
Limitation of characters in "creating" step initiatives
Rename ar_SA to ar generic in Decidim languages
Error related to special characters to user names
Error de servidor al aceptar invitación a
Links in Proposal's body disappear
I can't edit a collaborative draft
Sign button text doesn't change to "already signed" for initiatives
Differences between Metrics and Stats
Cal imatge de banner contingut resaltat sempre
Loss of hero image when the udpate 013.1 to 0.14 is made
Error al configurar els àmbits i el nombre de signatures de les iniciatives
Feedback needed after Endorsing
GraphQL: Cannot return null for non-nullable field
Ordre els processos a la pàgina processos
Participació en xifres surt els quadres en negre.
Administration of User Officialitation
[WCAG 2.1 / AA: 3.2.3, 3.2.4] Accessibility violations on button and link styling
Encuentros duplicados en portada
Actualización estado campana de notificaciones
Crear tipos de ámbito, no funciona
The withdrawn proposals are taken into account with the limit of proposals per user
Conversations not generating notifications
Deleting an organization is not working
Data error when creating propossal
Wrong label "No participants" in Participant CardM
Error homepage of internal links with locale as a parameter
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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