Enhance accessibility for disabled users
Main repo (merged)Accountability from the front-office
UX / Allow sorting for budgeting projects in the UI
Add support for machine translations of user-generated content
Main repo (merged)
Add statistics block to show proposal repartition in categories and areas
![Media picture: Archiving and anonymising processes [admin comfort + traceability + GDPR]](https://ajbcn-meta-decidim.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/7e3z6cjnw7bbv1ntaf0sumjjjwo2?response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3D%22archiving-smaller.gif%22%3B%20filename%2A%3DUTF-8%27%27archiving-smaller.gif&response-content-type=image%2Fgif&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIARXFVQ5FRJEUZE7HY%2F20250217%2Feu-west-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20250217T231136Z&X-Amz-Expires=604800&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=d84de68e77af1e5de263889cadf4219b7fc19205da04506171e264b0798f76b2)
Archiving and anonymising processes [admin comfort + traceability + GDPR]

Import/Export templates
Allow admins to delete an official proposal

Add images to Meeting metadata
Apply filters to exports
Add images and attachments in Conversations / Groups
Customizable survey success message
Create an installer package

Survey - Raw data auto-treatment
Extend the GraphQL mutations APIs
Send multiple notification emails in one ♻️
Main repo (merged)Improve the UX for multi-lingual fields when the organization has multiple languages
Main repo (merged)Unlink Decidim hashtags from Twitter

Make sure admins save their changes before leaving
CSV Census notifications or auto-authorizations
Import and export proposal images and attachements
Postal access code verification for anonymous survey responses
Add the possibility to add an attachment as an external URL
