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403 proposals

Participatory text with wrong format should return an error on upload
L'enllaç del #hashtag es incorrecte
Custom colors don't seem to apply everywhere
Sharing proposal with a link is not possible on touch screens
Activar invitacions trobada
Raffle does not show up publicly
Loss of hero image when the udpate 013.1 to 0.14 is made
Next meeting in Assemblies homepage is not correct
Loading wrong default locale
Wrong label "No participants" in Participant CardM
No puc accedir a les trobades del procés de benvinguda
Attachments are lost when publishing a collaborative draft proposal
Error homepage of internal links with locale as a parameter
Error maquetaciĂł serveis a les trobades
Autorizaciones / El PadrĂłn
Error en url del perfil
Error accepting admin invitation
Notificación en idioma francés con Decidim en català y castellano
Error when generating external component: uninitialized constant Decidim::Generators::ComponentGenerator::Bundler (NameError)
Search engine on initiative doesn't work properly
Assembly cards on assemblies home page display too much content
Unauthorized actions with user manager roles
Error de traducciĂł
Delete @ on contextual help for Nickname when Signing Up
Filter selector not working on Mobile (with Firefox)
El botĂł per "Deixar de donar suport" continua dient "Ja li has donat suport""
I can't publish the answer to the proposals
FIltering results via category
Error 500 after creating user. Decidim Initiatives
A user can reply to a comment even though comments are blocked
Strange behaviour when click on icon next to endorse button
Linking Assemblies
Votes count appear on linked proposals even when votes are not activated
The filter by scope to initiatives doesn't work
Impossible to see the public profile of a user who has a "." in its nickname
Filtre de propostes per categoria no funciona al mapa
"Daughters' assemblies" are still shown despite having been unpublished
El cos de la proposta no es renderitza correctmaent
Cannot access notifications on 0.10.x
Error message finalizing proposal amendments with participatory texts
Notifications are sent if user posts a comment referring their own proposal/idea/etc.
Progress meter ne devrait pas dépasser 100%
Participatory texts - too many restrictions on editing proposals
The activity stream and timelines do not display proposals
Participatory texts - file format support in admin
Free textfield in survey disabled when clicking on it on Safari
Shared data between organization
Cal imatge de banner contingut resaltat sempre
Al editar una proposta es perd la geolocalitzaciĂł
Multiple notifications of the same "event"
Paging error in metadecidim reporting bugs
Home blocks Processes / Assemblies are gone
Iniciativa registrada y con 4 apoyos no aparece en el menĂș iniciativas
Problemas de funcionamiento con las Iniciativas
Participant cannot vote (suppport proposal) if authorized
Conversation threads don't diplay in the correct order (most recent first)
Metrics without data
As an admin, I should be able to preview an unpublished component
Es mostra malament la informaciĂł d'un resultat al mĂČdul seguiment
Importar propostes pot crear propostes duplicades
When adding members to an Assembly they don't show up publicly
Withdrawn proposals should not be selectable in sortitions
Removed propositions still visible in the "recent activity" section on the front page
In the minutes of the session, a blank box appears if there is only audio or video
Registro de bots (spam)
Consultations created before version 0.16 do not work if there is no scope (global scope)
La imatge de perfil no agafa la resoluciĂł correcta
Signatura iniciativa a través de SMS
Unable to change Categories on proposals
Error en la visualitzaciĂł dels comentaris a l'Ultima Activitat (HOME)
Error visiting a proposal on a participatory text-enabled component
Període actiu del procés no agafa el dia de finalització
Metric for Participants in the Admin Dashboard is too high
GraphQL: Cannot return null for non-nullable field
Deleting an organization is not working
Unable to edit collaborative draft with attachment if attachment is enabled after it's creation
Notification sent event if proposal not published
Name of submitter not included in Proposal component export
Notification error with strings
Error al crear proposta col·laborativa
AccĂ©s al submenĂș "Participants privades"
Desaparece enlace a panel de administraciĂłn
[Accessibility] Get rid of ALLCAPS headings and buttons in the default Decidim styling
Adhesions should not be Enable by default
User nicknames don't check cases when checking for uniqueness
Some styles have been changed/lost in cards
Official proposals in sortitions
Feedback needed after Endorsing
Process filters not functional in IE11
Threshold support/voting needs to be better distinguished from maximum votes
Editar proposta no deixa canviar l'arxiu adjunt a la proposta
Ordre els processos a la pĂ gina processos
Impossible to delete a "survey" component
Not able to follow another user
Problema con el servidor cuando pasas pĂĄgina de followers
Official proposals do not allow denunciation or moderation.
Process m-size cards are not properly displayed, they include too much content
The hashtag is not rendered in the user's timeline
Pages display order is not the same in 'pages/index' and in the main_footer
The process stats counters don't count well all the parameters
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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