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Configuració de les galetes

Fem servir galetes per assegurar les funcionalitats bàsiques del lloc web i per a millorar la teva experiència en línia. Pots configurar i acceptar l'ús de galetes, i modificar les teves opcions de consentiment en qualsevol moment.



Analítiques i estadístiques


403 propostes

Non-member users can participate to a private, transparent assembly
Error de servidor al aceptar invitación a edu.decidim.org
Search box does not work
Importar propostes pot crear propostes duplicades
Category no appears on Debates Card
Iniciativa registrada y con 4 apoyos no aparece en el menú iniciativas
Cannot cancel an up/a down vote on a comment
Error message finalizing proposal amendments with participatory texts
Next meeting in Assemblies homepage is not correct
Missing keys in 0.11 ?
IE11 - Notification settings are not working
The proposal card layout is broken on tablet portrait screens
Error al crear proposta col·laborativa
Filter selector not working on Mobile (with Firefox)
Loading wrong default locale
When user has no nickname nothing displays in conversation title
Some styles have been changed/lost in cards
Newsletter Preview
Validació de la longitud de les propostes
I wasn't able to sign up via facebook/google.
Create debates as a normal user in a private assembly
Error maquetació serveis a les trobades
Als mòduls de propostes no es veuen les propostes rebutjades
Assemby admins must not be allowed to send newsletters platform-wide
In the minutes of the session, a blank box appears if there is only audio or video
Error en notificacions email en canviar d'estat una proposta
Dashboard crashes when Proposals are deleted
Neutral terminology in initiatives
Default org colors still show up for a milisecond at loading
Content sanitizing breaks proposal content
Conversations not generating notifications
Descarregar excel amb propostes
Wrong translations on email when someone gives support to a proposal
Impossible to see the public profile of a user who has a "." in its nickname
Missatge d'OK al crear una nota privada
Error merging proposals that come from a meeting
Error on meetings page / upcoming meetings
Inconsistent home page statistics vs dataviz (different numbers and labels)
Error accepting admin invitation
Quan faig login al Detall d'una Trobada, em redirigeix al mapa
Impossible to delete a "survey" component
Statistics automatically displayed when creating a new participatory process
Error visiting a proposal on a participatory text-enabled component
I can't comment as a Group
Error downloading "My data"
Al ocultar un comentario publicitario en un encuentro, este no se elimina de la página de inicio de Erabaki
Announcements on Assemblies components are not shown
No funciona el enlace de invitación a admin
The evolution of the result presents visualization problems [component accountability]
Administration of User Officialitation
Official proposals in sortitions
FIltering results via category
Linking proposals to results for accountability
Falta traducció en castellà al actualitzar un usuari Admin
The proposal sidebar layout is broken on tablet portrait screens
Columnes amb dates, no mostren l'any
PDF creation within Initiative not translatable
Locale update fails on sanity checks
Resend confirmation instructions - Hard to understand error message
Signatura iniciativa a través de SMS
Typo en uno de los textos de "sobre la comunidad"
Nickname validation is not in place
Messages appear duplicated on conversations.
Deleted process groups appears in the Groups selector on process list
I can't publish the answer to the proposals
Bug running migration "Fix user names"
The reason field has been lost for impersonification
No funciona correctament el procés de votació en una consulta
Paging error in metadecidim reporting bugs
Search engine on initiative doesn't work properly
Statistics blocks number overlaps text underneath
Error showing meetings that takes place during more than a day
Decidim Team Assembly is shown 3 times
When maximum supports is 0 it shouldn't be shown the threshold
Feedback needed after Endorsing
Message error trying to join as a Promoter on an Initiative
Encuentros duplicados en portada
Member List Assemblies admin panel
[CRITICAL] Vote/support button not responsive
Geocoding issue with chilean addresses
Everyone can see the activity of private processes
User invitation form doesn't render the text of the newsletter checkbox in the contact permissions section
User mention doesn't work always
Sharing proposal with a link is not possible on touch screens
Generar un usuario privado no queda en el registro de actividades de administración [Asambleas]
I can't edit a collaborative draft
Removed propositions still visible in the "recent activity" section on the front page
An incorrect translation variable in the email
Error message when I cannot withdraw my proposal is not explicite enough
The verifier errors are shown duplicated one over the other
Missing part of url: notification where a file is attached
Invalid "This group doesn't have any members yet".
Error 500 after creating user. Decidim Initiatives
Consultations created before version 0.16 do not work if there is no scope (global scope)
Use target "_blank" for attachments & external links
Processos es mostren fora dels grups
Format de l'informe de tancament de trobada
Error en la traducció de Properes Trobades en català
Notification error with strings
Process m-size cards are not properly displayed, they include too much content
Resultats per pàgina:
Veure totes les propostes retirades


Si us plau, inicia la sessió

La contrasenya és massa curta.
