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To propose a new feature or functionality or an improvement or change upon an existing one, first please check out that it is not already on the roadmap, or that it hasn't been discussed already. Try to be as clear as possible when making a new proposal and take into account the instructions provided on "The Process" section. Thanks for contributing, your ideas and proposals are very valuable for this project.

852 proposals

Modular Platform for Political Philosophers – WorkFlow Democracy
Custom redirect of users after they vote on a budget (+ custom "thank you and next steps" message)
Admin analytics dashboard
Restrict by verification to make comments
Add nickname autofilling to the sign up form
Anonymous proposals
Make the name of the organitzation the option of being multi-language
Show publication date of each article on blog main page
Visualizing the summary of a process
Easier theming e.g. for Bootstrap UI framework
Add a third meeting type for hybrid event (in person and online)
Improve surveys with enhancements
Importar y exportar Meetings
Add to Home Screen
Improvement of the Decidim’s metrics consistency throughout the application
Show a guidance modal in PB voting after selecting the first project
Optimize Largest Contentful Paint
Intelligent recommendations
Initiatives notifications enhancement
Add images and attachments in Conversations / Groups
Possibility to return when you get to statues
Opción para que los componentes no salgan automáticamente en el menú
Hybrid (open & private) assemblies and processes
Registration form customization
Allow changing the budget of a project
Allow all members of a group to edit a proposal submitted by their group
Use neutral terminology
Enviar email administrador en rebre una sol·licitud de creació de grup
Possibility to add subtitles as a participant
As a user I can edit my comment
Revision on assembly administrator permission.
Editar propostes oficials
Bugets - Allocate budget for specific categories
Build a more comprehensive scss theme for Decidim
Possibility for administrator to link images to content pages
Module: Trusted ids
Add config field to set max size of uploaded files by admins
Add .xml sitemap config flag to /system
Feat join meeting as user group
Visualization of community network and interactions
Add instant input validation on authentication forms
Review notifications
[EN] Selective newsletter / [ES] Newsletter selectiva
More technical styling options for the comments component
Initiatives promoter committee invitation enhancement
Move the Version box below the action buttons box
Expand meeting notifications
Add emojis to Conversations
Add formating to term of use content on signup page
Notifications digest
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See all withdrawn proposals


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