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To propose a new feature or functionality or an improvement or change upon an existing one, first please check out that it is not already on the roadmap, or that it hasn't been discussed already. Try to be as clear as possible when making a new proposal and take into account the instructions provided on "The Process" section. Thanks for contributing, your ideas and proposals are very valuable for this project.

814 proposals

Notify author when proposal is selected in sortition
Hacer que las estadísticas de actividades en procesos sean clickables (enlace)
Improve the UX for multi-lingual fields when the organization has multiple languages
Afegir delegació de vot al mòdul consultes
Collapsible sections in the admin
Módulo “Configurador y generador de páginas de jornadas”
Añadir datos públicos de contexto a los procesos y debates de la ciudadanía.
UX improvement to URL slug fields
Add alert when publish a survey with answers
Meetings informations that last more than one day
Enhance mutli-tenancy capabilities by adding configuration options at the organization level
Add initiative comment in the authorization parameters
User flow / guidance tool
User's private activity about budgeting votes
Meetings: start and an end date for registration + a waiting list
UX simplification of initiatives for broader use cases
Share unpublished components with manageable tokens
Fix groups mentions in Notifications
Show child categories in export
List display for proposals' index
Cercador d'usuaris
Automatic 'follow' of private users in participatory spaces
If I am private user of child assembly I am private user of mother assembly
Poca visibilitat alhora d'inscriure't
Build a more comprehensive scss theme for Decidim
Let users input a number of participants when closing their meeting
Ampliar opcions de l'editor de text.
Add votes from Budgets component to the available metrics and statistics
Create themes to display more accuratly news, data, and enhance UX
Establecer un umbral de notificaciones por mail al seguir a un usuario
Bugets - Allocate budget for specific categories
Add back to list link
Implementación de un plan de civic engagement en la plataforma
Tag system for administrators/evaluators
Millorar l'apartat "Tancar" dels tipus de funcionalitats dels processos
Incorporar usuaris a un procés
Display all processes on home page stats not only active
Registration form improvement with 2 steps + 1 onboarding screen
Challenges module
Opción para que los componentes no salgan automáticamente en el menú
Disable accountability automated progress caluclations
Comply with EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Participatory budget and metrics
Enable map is optional
Allow user to sort initiatives by publication date
Possibility to force login before accessing the platform
Add a "From Label" to SMTP settings
Disable email signup and signin
Contrato social. Referencia a gobiernos e instituciones con investigación de violaciones de derechos humanos por organismos internacionales.
Possibility to use free text search for categories and scopes
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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