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Configuració de les galetes

Fem servir galetes per assegurar les funcionalitats bàsiques del lloc web i per a millorar la teva experiència en línia. Pots configurar i acceptar l'ús de galetes, i modificar les teves opcions de consentiment en qualsevol moment.



Analítiques i estadístiques


Per proposar una nova característica o funcionalitat o una millora o canvi sobre una existent, primer revisa que no estigui ja en el full de ruta o que no s'hagi discutit prèviament. Intenta explicar-te de la manera més clara possible en realitzar una proposta i tingues en compte les instruccions proporcionades a la secció "El procés". Moltes gràcies per contribuir, les teves idees i propostes són molt valuoses per al projecte.

815 propostes

Improve frontend-design of participatory texts
To improve the Terms of Service (TOS) block in the sign up
Enabling hashtags on user generated content
Add the number of followers in the follow button
Display all processes on home page stats not only active
Admin can revoke old verifications
Send notification to user when their comment has been voted up/down
Add a way to dismiss the omnipresent banner
Comply with EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Test email feature for newsletters
Apply ransack's sort on process and assembly homepage in the backend
CSV census for verifications
Reconeixement automàtic de links
Freeform Assembly Social Links
Add user name and nickname next to avatar in conversations
Facilitate proposals management in admin
Add anchors to different sections in the process/assembly pages
Matrix/Element.io instead of Gitter + Telegram for community communication
Add config field to set max size of uploaded files by admins
En encuestas, dar la posibilidad de contestar más de una vez
Extend the GraphQL mutations APIs
Importar y exportar Meetings
Displays all yep, nope and neutral in colums
Afegir un comptador de comentaris en la targeta de cada debat
Registration form improvement with 2 steps + 1 onboarding screen
Multilingual URLs for language versions
Recover a verified user activity
Possibility to disable compare step in the wizard
Automatically assign a valuator depending on the category
Allow process admins to add private users
Make meeting report editable by the author in front-end
Add support for machine translations of user-generated content
Add images to Meeting metadata
Multilingual Proposal entry
Ability for users to withdraw their meetings
Change the subject format for comment notifications
Signature gauge for child scopes
Verification of Identity for Ballots and Votation in an area of circunscription (cities, terrirories, ..)
Ability to search for ideas that have not yet been linked to projects
[EN] Diff rendering improvements in version control
Do not ask for user name during registration
Maximum characters for questionnaire text answers
Configurable timezones per user
Módulo “Espacio de colaboración”
Afegir més d'un padró a la plataforma
Banner for encouraging user to confirm his email address
Design considerations for people with dyslexia
Encuentros propuestos por ciudadanos
Disable the proposal comparator
Place inactive steps configurations in toggle
Resultats per pàgina:
Veure totes les propostes retirades


Si us plau, inicia la sessió

La contrasenya és massa curta.
