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To propose a new feature or functionality or an improvement or change upon an existing one, first please check out that it is not already on the roadmap, or that it hasn't been discussed already. Try to be as clear as possible when making a new proposal and take into account the instructions provided on "The Process" section. Thanks for contributing, your ideas and proposals are very valuable for this project.

813 proposals

Add text edition features for the report field when closing a meeting
File upload button redesign
VinculaciĂł de trobades
Mejoras en Ăłrganos (assemblies)
Enhance mutli-tenancy capabilities by adding configuration options at the organization level
Extend filter concept including area filter
Enable admins to send bulk invitations to participants
Include endorsements for blog posts
Bloquear usuarios despuĂ©s de mĂșltiples intentos fallidos
Linkar las ponentes en el programa al perfil o descripciĂłn de ponentes
Show remaining budget for user in budgeting module
Possibility to return when you get to statues
Add notification setting for reported users
Survey - Don’t allow user access to the next step in case of error
Push Notifications
Allow the author of an initiative to choose the end of signature collection period
Ability to create blog posts as a user group
Allow adding multiple same type of content blocks on page
Poder definir adreces URL personalitzades
Possibility to automatically activate process steps
Selective indication of a comment's original language
Optimize Time to Interactive
Poder definir contingut per defecte al cos de la proposta
Allow all members of a group to edit a proposal submitted by their group
Configuration option for initiative type to desactivate comments
IntegraciĂł amb BigBlueButton (BBB)
Open external links/related documents in another tab/window
Vincular propostes i trobades de processos amb assemblees
Notify registration code in my account
Add instant input validation on authentication forms
Option to disable the organizational chart of assemblies
Announcements on Assemblies home page
Warn users during Sign Up that nicknames can't have spaces
Organize Assemblies
User's private activity about budgeting votes
Crear variables globales para tipo de organizaciĂłn y tipo de "base"
Delete button for a participatory space
Registro de actividad de administradores, moderadores y verificadores
Custom icons in my Home Screen
Make exports configurable
Ability for users to withdraw their meetings
Reduce the list of assemblies shown to administrators
Import proposal answers
Registration form customization
As a user I can edit my comment
Create statistic blocks for petitions
Add a younger touch to Decidim design.
As an admin I want to be able to add custom links on a participatory space navbar
Suports ponderats per prioritats
Change duration in the agenda Meetings
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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