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54 proposals

[ES] Toma de decisiones basada en la evidencia para nuevos desarrollos / [EN] Evidence-based decision making for new developments

Not answered

Crear indicadores trimestrales de cada comité

Not answered

Categorizar la toma de decisiones.

Not answered

[EN] Relationship with companies and their contribution to Decidim / [ES] Relación de empresas y su contribución a Decidim

Not answered

Utilizamos MetaDecidim en decisiones operativas y estratégicas.

Not answered

[ES] Proceso para aceptar contribuciones a la rama master / [EN] Process for accepting contributions to the master branch

Not answered

[EN] To create a Technological Committee. [ES] Creación del Comité Tecnológico

Not answered

[ES] Diversificación de fuentes de recursos y límites a máximas contribuciones / [EN] Diversification of sources and limitation to max. contribution

Not answered

[EN] To create a Product Committee / [ES] Creación del Comité de Producto

Not answered

Instrumentos para la resolución de conflictos

Not answered

[ES] Crear Comité de Comunicación i Promoción / [EN] To create Communication and promotion Committee

Not answered

[ES] Límites al endeudamiento / [EN] Limits to indebtedness

Not answered

[EN] Creation of an Advisory Board / [ES] Creación de un Consejo Asesor

Not answered

[EN] To create a Committee for Democratic Guarantees / [ES] Creación de un comité de garantías democráticas

Not answered

[EN] VISION: radical democratization of society / [ES] VISIÓN: democratización radical de la sociedad

Not answered

[ES] Sistema de elección / [EN] Election system

Not answered

[ES] Inspirarnos en Modelos Sociocráticos/Holocráticos / [EN] Be inspired by Sociocratic/Holocratic Models

Not answered

[ES] Asamblea anual de las personas participantes en la Asociación / [EN] Annual meeting of the participants in the Association

Not answered

[ES] Sistema para valorar el impacto de nuevas funcionalidades / [EN] System to assess the impact of new functionalities

Not answered

[ES] Comité de Coordinación / [EN] Coordination Committee

Not answered
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