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Supports are subject to the following rules:

  • You can support up to 10 proposals.
  • In order to be validated proposals need to reach 5 supports.
  • Each proposal can accumulate more than 5 supports

54 proposals

[ES] Criterios de contratación / [EN] Contracting criteria
[EN] To create a Technological Committee. [ES] Creación del Comité Tecnológico
[ES] Sistema de elección / [EN] Election system
[ES] Asamblea anual de las personas participantes en la Asociación / [EN] Annual meeting of the participants in the Association
[ES] Proceso para aceptar contribuciones a la rama master / [EN] Process for accepting contributions to the master branch
[ES] Valores de la organización / [EN] Values of the organization
[ES] Consulta a la comunidad antes de tomar una decisión importante / [EN] Consults to the community before taking an important decision
[ES] Flujo para proponer y aceptar nuevas funcionalidades en la hoja de ruta / [EN] Flow to propose and accept new features in the roadmap
[EN] To create a Committee for Democratic Guarantees / [ES] Creación de un comité de garantías democráticas
[EN] To create a Technical Office / [ES] Creación de la Oficina Técnica
Cities and administrations comittee
[EN] VISION: radical democratization of society / [ES] VISIÓN: democratización radical de la sociedad
Crear indicadores trimestrales de cada comité
[ES] Valores de la organización / [EN] Values of the organization
[EN] To create a Product Committee / [ES] Creación del Comité de Producto
[ES] Contribuir a la entidad a través de servicios o desarrollos / [EN] Contribute to the entity through services or developments
[ES] Toma de decisiones basada en la evidencia para nuevos desarrollos / [EN] Evidence-based decision making for new developments
[ES] Crear el comité de sostenibilidad económica / [EN] Create the economic sustainability committee
[ES] Sistema para valorar el impacto de nuevas funcionalidades / [EN] System to assess the impact of new functionalities
[ES] Valores de la organización / [EN] Values of the organization
Results per page:
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