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To propose a new feature or functionality or an improvement or change upon an existing one, first please check out that it is not already on the roadmap, or that it hasn't been discussed already. Try to be as clear as possible when making a new proposal and take into account the instructions provided on "The Process" section. Thanks for contributing, your ideas and proposals are very valuable for this project.

813 proposals

Use neutral terminology
Multilingual URLs for language versions
Allow visitors to register to an event without having to signup
ActivityPub support
Make social media links configurable
Make the name of the organitzation the option of being multi-language
Add an "open trash" space for inadmissible initiatives
Import projects into a budget from a file
Publication date field for blog articles
Add follow button on results
Process group improvements
Configurable timezones per user
Specific census in a Consultation
Centralized media library
Fix groups mentions in Notifications
Mòdul Video-Conferència
Notify change of proposal state to the author
Add areas to initiatives
Permitir a las organizaciones adherirse a una propuesta
Afegir un botó "Afegir pregunta" a sota de les preguntes creades
Enable external registration links
Replace "Order position" fields with drag & drop
Add joint file in step 4 of initiative wizard
Allow admins to "internally" categorize proposals into different scopes
Resend all private users invitations at once
Add proposals author in Notifications
Allow to filter assemblies by type
Enable "Pages" space as a module for processes
Incluir "Grupo de Procesos" dentro de "Procesos" en el menú del panel de Admin
Add social networks: Mastodon, telegram, peertube
Option to disable the organizational chart of assemblies
Allow authorization handlers to control when reauthorization is allowed
Possibility to disable compare step in the wizard
Test email feature for newsletters
Establecer un umbral de notificaciones por mail al seguir a un usuario
Basic socio-demographic data on participants
Let participants create meetings on participatory processes
Fully editable secondary navbar
Visualization of community network and interactions
Add an admin result page for consultations
See the full content of comments in Notifications
Make user groups searchable
Links within a text always open a new tab
Use machine translation in notifications
Enviar email administrador en rebre una sol·licitud de creació de grup
Add a younger touch to Decidim design.
Include Advice/ announcement option/ field on Assemblees information page
Incorporar informació del pressupost al seguiment de resultats
Private notes for initiatives
Documentation/howto's on different scope in Processes
Rebre notificació quan t'inclouen a una Assemblea
Disseny nou mòdul de Debat Familiar
Nuevo espacio de multiconsultas
Create "matrix" question type for the survey module
French inclusive writing
Automatic 'follow' of private users in participatory spaces
Notifications digest
Use more Quill Rich Text Editor capabilities
Add show password option on sign in, sign up and forgot password forms
Include endorsements for blog posts
LDAP support for user authentication
Online meetings option
Preserve current search filters for admin data exports
Response to comments when comments are disabled should be an admin option
Send proof of response of a survey to participants
Add Github like checklists to results
Make character limit for comments configurable from admin
Proposals - X characters left
Make new proposal button more visible
Display all processes on home page stats not only active
Auto email after submitting a proposal
Admin can revoke old verifications
Show results in the first page of the accountability component and other UX tweaks
Preguntar y almacenar el ámbito del usuario
Módulo “Buscador”
Registration to a meeting from the e-mail
Allow authors of user generated meetings to close their meeting
Add emojis to Conversations
Avoid re-randomizing the index when clicking on "back to list"
Caducitat de les dades d'autorització
General Assembly
Opció d'afegir camps per crear una proposta
Organize Assemblies
[Security] Visual password strength meter (OWASP ASVS v4.0.3-2.1.8)
Enable card images for debates
Custom icons in my Home Screen
We should always display "The process" tab
Dynamically update images in forms
Add a config flag to disable the registration code
Extend filter concept including area filter
Digest notifications
Recover a verified user activity
Non anonymous survey answer
Ability for users to withdraw their meetings
Contrato social. Referencia a gobiernos e instituciones con investigación de violaciones de derechos humanos por organismos internacionales.
Configure an entry page for each process
Export only the current selection in the admin
Set the exact time when you want to start and end a consultation
Use content classification systems for better SPAM detection
Share with WhatsApp and Telegram
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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