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To propose a new feature or functionality or an improvement or change upon an existing one, first please check out that it is not already on the roadmap, or that it hasn't been discussed already. Try to be as clear as possible when making a new proposal and take into account the instructions provided on "The Process" section. Thanks for contributing, your ideas and proposals are very valuable for this project.

853 proposals

Cercador al Registre d'administració

Adding dropdown single select option to surveys

Media picture: Possibility to force login before accessing the platform

Possibility to force login before accessing the platform

Main repo (merged)

Assign categories to blog posts

Provide "good" password rules

Main repo (merged)

Improve email received on moderated content

Main repo (accepted)

Show child categories in export

Main repo (accepted)

Ask permission to client for Push Notifications

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: User created debate delete/purge

User created debate delete/purge

Main repo (merged)

Completar la funcionalidad polimórfica de seguir

Main repo (merged)

Selective indication of a comment's original language

Main repo (accepted)
Media picture: Export of proposals as word.doc

Export of proposals as word.doc

Newsfeed from Blogs

Add show password option on sign in, sign up and forgot password forms

Main repo (merged)

Mejoras en órganos (assemblies)

Main repo (merged)

Imatge en el cos de la proposta

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Incluir "Grupo de Procesos" dentro de "Procesos" en el menú del panel de Admin

Incluir "Grupo de Procesos" dentro de "Procesos" en el menú del panel de Admin

Main repo (merged)

Process group improvements

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Add back to list link

Add back to list link

Main repo (merged)

Create new "Department Admin" role

Main repo (merged)

Enhance UX for the user interaction with the map

Módulo “Configurador y generador de páginas de jornadas”

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Let users input a number of participants when closing their meeting

Let users input a number of participants when closing their meeting

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Let admin add the author's name and contact details when importing a proposal

Let admin add the author's name and contact details when importing a proposal

Mejoras en propuestas

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Add a "Return" button in the FO to get back to indexes

Add a "Return" button in the FO to get back to indexes

Main repo (merged)

Make debate end date

Main repo (merged)

Ability for users to discover their own content

Main repo (accepted)

Añadir filtros para navegar en los encuentros presenciales

Enabling hashtags on user generated content

Main repo (merged)

Liquid democracy

When Etherpad integration is enabled, use those notes for the minutes field when closing a meeting

Allow admins to delete an official proposal

Possibility to disable compare step in the wizard

Main repo (accepted)

Mejoras en procesos y generales

Main repo (merged)

Duplicar un formulari d'inscripció al component trobades

Budgeting - Add shortened description for the projects in the listing view

Main repo (accepted)

Unify Management users private assemblies

Include content from the help/pages section within the site search

Media picture: [EN] Possibility to sort assemblies acocording to scopes / [ES] Posibilidad de ordenar las asambleas en función del abasto

[EN] Possibility to sort assemblies acocording to scopes / [ES] Posibilidad de ordenar las asambleas en función del abasto

Main repo (merged)

Possibility to return when you get to statues

Main repo (accepted)

Extend the GraphQL mutations APIs

Let's go impulse shopping for budgeting projects

The participatory process has an area

Main repo (merged)

Changes to answered state filtering of proposals

Espacio para crear el Portal de las entidades

[Decidim Fest 2024] Expand survey question types (new features)

Main repo (accepted)

Añadir el tipo de ordenación de propuestas "más comentadas"

Main repo (merged)

Disable email signup and signin

Main repo (merged)

Implementación de un plan de civic engagement en la plataforma

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Phone number as an alternative to email

Phone number as an alternative to email

Main repo (accepted)

Localisation and district population

Change attachment photo image alt texts to the title

Possibility to configure the participatory space navigation

Media picture: Can we add ordering options to the proposal list

Can we add ordering options to the proposal list

Main repo (merged)

Add file uploads field to Debates component

Review Admin Log notifications

Main repo (merged)

Add avatar to assembly members without a registered account

Main repo (merged)

Optimize Time to Interactive

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Add text edition features for the report field when closing a meeting

Add text edition features for the report field when closing a meeting

Main repo (merged)

Funcionalidad de puntuación/impacto - Modificación del de presupuestos

Configure dedicated domain for a participatory space

Improve usability & accessibility

Majority judgment method

Media picture: Improve file attachment uploads

Improve file attachment uploads

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Add filtering capabilities to meetings index page in admin

Add filtering capabilities to meetings index page in admin

Main repo (merged)

Export comments in blog posts

Ability to publish individual accountability results

Add support for machine translations of user-generated content

Main repo (merged)

Enhance accessibility for disabled users

Main repo (merged)

Módulo “Buscador”

Main repo (merged)

Custom splash screen

Main repo (merged)

Clarify the terms of the APGL license and its relation with the Social Contract

Main repo (merged)

Import attachment of the proposals

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Automatically assign a valuator depending on the category

Automatically assign a valuator depending on the category

Exportar i importar enquestes

Main repo (merged)

Ability for admins to create new user accounts

Media picture: Create a list of banned words for automatical reporting

Create a list of banned words for automatical reporting

PDF for participatory text consultations

Make Decidim EU cookie laws compliant

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: UX improvement to URL slug fields

UX improvement to URL slug fields

Main repo (accepted)

Gestió grup de processos (ocultar subprocessos a la Home)

Main repo (merged)

Automatically deleting inactive users (if the admin chooses to do so)

Main repo (accepted)

Add a way to get to component settings from component admin

Main repo (merged)

Add conditional new field "Set as required field" when admin enable "Scopes" in the component configuration form

Poder editar una proposta (com a mínim tenir un marge de temps)

Main repo (merged)

Notify participants when result execution state is updated, for those results related to their proposals

Main repo (merged)

Add "My proposals" filter in the proposals list page

Main repo (merged)

Possibility to publish pages, unpublish pages and hide pages from navigation

Create types of votations and process of votations

Make the number of characters allowed for the petitions description field configurable

Main repo (merged)

Show publication date of each article on blog main page

Integration with YouTube

Main repo (merged)

Export budgeting projects

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Sorting and filtering capabilities in Budget module

Sorting and filtering capabilities in Budget module

Main repo (merged)

Add .xml sitemap config flag to /system

Main repo (merged)

Allow visitors to register to an event without having to signup

Main repo (accepted)

Enable map is optional

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Ocultar avis amb instruccions de suports

Ocultar avis amb instruccions de suports

Media picture: Anonymous survey answers

Anonymous survey answers

Main repo (merged)
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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