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To propose a new feature or functionality or an improvement or change upon an existing one, first please check out that it is not already on the roadmap, or that it hasn't been discussed already. Try to be as clear as possible when making a new proposal and take into account the instructions provided on "The Process" section. Thanks for contributing, your ideas and proposals are very valuable for this project.

828 proposals

Apply filters to exports

Configuration option for initiative type to desactivate comments

Not answered
Media picture: Meetings informations that last more than one day

Meetings informations that last more than one day

Not answered
Media picture: Possibility to configure default sorting for porposals

Possibility to configure default sorting for porposals

Not answered

Improvements in the management of private participants

Not answered

[EN] Enhancement to surveys: Id + Visible without logging

Not answered

Incorporar usuaris a un procés

Experiencia web centrada en el usuario

Not answered

Include Advice/ announcement option/ field on Assemblees information page

Not answered

Add to Home Screen

Not answered

Complete the Api

Not answered

Re-integrated EU eIDAS-compliant Italian SPID Authentication

Option to keep authors and followers when Proposal -> Project

Add "My proposals" filter in the proposals list page

Not answered

Allow the admin to enable/disable attachments on an initiative type

Not answered

Add avatar to assembly members without a registered account

Not answered

Admin can revoke old verifications

Not answered
Media picture: Add text edition features for the report field when closing a meeting

Add text edition features for the report field when closing a meeting

Not answered
Media picture: Let participants create meetings on participatory processes

Let participants create meetings on participatory processes

Not answered

Improve the UX for multi-lingual fields when the organization has multiple languages

Not answered

Non anonymous survey answer

Media picture: [EN] Selective newsletter / [ES] Newsletter selectiva

[EN] Selective newsletter / [ES] Newsletter selectiva

Not answered
Media picture: Back To Top button on long pages

Back To Top button on long pages

Ask for the Participant's interest following his/her registration

Targeted communication to groups of people

Media picture: Change the word users for participants on the entire platform

Change the word users for participants on the entire platform

Not answered
Media picture: Place scopes in toggle for accountability index page

Place scopes in toggle for accountability index page

Not answered

Afegir un comptador de comentaris en la targeta de cada debat

Not answered

Centralized media library

Possibility to return when you get to statues

Not answered

Registro de actividad de administradores, moderadores y verificadores

Not answered

Exportar i importar enquestes

Not answered

Add images to the card on official proposals

Not answered
Media picture: Make home section .footer_sub_hero html editable

Make home section .footer_sub_hero html editable

Not answered

Disable "sortitions" and "budgets" by default

Afegir més d'un padró a la plataforma

Implementación de sistemas de ayuda y facilitación y evaluación contextual a personas usuarias y administradoras

Not answered
Media picture: Configurable special login route for admins

Configurable special login route for admins

Language preference in participant settings

Not answered

Space for default image when items have no image

Number of participants in each process and phase

Not answered

Position cursor on map to enter address

Not answered

Add the possibility to add an attachment as an external URL

Gestió grup de processos (ocultar subprocessos a la Home)

Not answered

More technical styling options for the comments component

Multilingual URLs for language versions

Not answered
Media picture: A password helper during the registration process

A password helper during the registration process

Not answered

Changes to answered state filtering of proposals

Integració amb BigBlueButton (BBB)

Not answered
Media picture: Allow participants to write proposals without/before creating their account

Allow participants to write proposals without/before creating their account

Not answered
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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