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Analytics and statistics


To propose a new feature or functionality or an improvement or change upon an existing one, first please check out that it is not already on the roadmap, or that it hasn't been discussed already. Try to be as clear as possible when making a new proposal and take into account the instructions provided on "The Process" section. Thanks for contributing, your ideas and proposals are very valuable for this project.

828 proposals

Attachments to accountability results

Media picture: Let users input a number of participants when closing their meeting

Let users input a number of participants when closing their meeting

Media picture: File upload button redesign

File upload button redesign

Accepted / In progress

GDPR / Right to be forgotten - User authorizations metadata

Change term "Address" => "Location"

Send notification when initiative reaches 100% of support thereshold

Media picture: "Other proposals" suggestions

"Other proposals" suggestions

Media picture: Add option to include time zones

Add option to include time zones

Enable card images for debates

Accepted / In progress
Media picture: Alternative voting methods in budget

Alternative voting methods in budget

Optimize Largest Contentful Paint


Add view source to text editor in admin

Media picture: New sorting criteria for proposals - Most endorsed

New sorting criteria for proposals - Most endorsed

Media picture: Add user name and nickname next to avatar in conversations

Add user name and nickname next to avatar in conversations

Accepted / In progress
Media picture: Confirm that you want to desjoin from the meeting

Confirm that you want to desjoin from the meeting


Possibility to configure the sign in flow to send user to external service directly

Media picture: Las organicaciones o user groups también deberían ser mencionables

Las organicaciones o user groups también deberían ser mencionables


User activity timeline

Media picture: Use machine translation in notifications

Use machine translation in notifications


Import proposals from spreadsheet

Media picture: Dashboard Comunitario

Dashboard Comunitario

En Usuarios de Asamblea implementar el campo de nickname

Accepted / In progress

Establir un mínim obligatori de suports a les propostes

Media picture: Allow attachements in comments

Allow attachements in comments

Disable the proposal comparator

Accepted / In progress

Visually indicate that the dynamic actions are being processed (e.g. search)

Accepted / In progress

Meeting registrations closing time

Server setup for Push Notifications


Option to keep authors and followers when Proposal -> Project

Allow changing the budget of a project

Accepted / In progress
Media picture: List display for proposals' index

List display for proposals' index

Accepted / In progress

Authorization handlers to restrict users comments


Optimize Time to Interactive


Targeted communication to groups of people

Media picture: Include year in meetings' right columns

Include year in meetings' right columns


Make debate end date


Improve the score of comments

Media picture: Don't show error in case field is empty when creating a proposal

Don't show error in case field is empty when creating a proposal

Meeting Calendar Providers


Remove validate_caps_first validator on proposal form

Ability for admins to create new user accounts

Allow one to many relations for scopes

Cartes als regidors/es

Accepted / In progress
Media picture: Authorization handler modal for surveys

Authorization handler modal for surveys

Media picture: As an admin I want to be able to add custom links on a participatory space navbar

As an admin I want to be able to add custom links on a participatory space navbar


Put most recent message on top of conversations


Documentation/howto's on different scope in Processes

Media picture: Activity counter could have links to click on them

Activity counter could have links to click on them

Media picture: Add an answer date to initiative answer

Add an answer date to initiative answer

Improving open data feature on Decidim

Filters on Admin Log for improving auditing


Auto email after submitting a proposal

Media picture: Add address in the proposal answer (backend)

Add address in the proposal answer (backend)

Accepted / In progress

Cercador d'usuaris


Rewrite comments in Rails

Media picture: Enhance initiative filter in the admin

Enhance initiative filter in the admin


Implement pagination for scopes index

Accepted / In progress
Media picture: Proposals at a glance from the homepage

Proposals at a glance from the homepage

Accepted / In progress

Do not ask for user name during registration

Number of participants in each process and phase


Revision on assembly administrator permission.

Improve location programming API

Export budgeting projects


Open external links/related documents in another tab/window


Guardar abans de publicar

Media picture: Archiving and anonymising processes [admin comfort + traceability + GDPR]

Archiving and anonymising processes [admin comfort + traceability + GDPR]

See the full content of comments in Notifications


Enhance UX for the user interaction with the map

CSV census for verifications


Add the assemblies card in wich I participate in public profile


Use new card design for budget projects

Media picture: Let admins choose the default order of appearance of the initiatives

Let admins choose the default order of appearance of the initiatives


Possibility to set an undefined time in the end date for a debate


Afegir l'Aranès com a idioma al Decidim

Cookie policy: accept and reject


Autocomplete for @username mentions


Importar y exportar Meetings

Accepted / In progress

Admin contact form

Accepted / In progress

Fully editable secondary navbar

Media picture: Add a report button on the last activities page

Add a report button on the last activities page

Accepted / In progress
Media picture: Add stats block for meeting attendees

Add stats block for meeting attendees

Accepted / In progress
Media picture: Add a config flag to disable the registration code

Add a config flag to disable the registration code


Majority judgment method

Ampliar opcions de l'editor de text.


No surt l'icona per respodre a una proposta i acceptar-la/rebutjar-la


Add config field to set max size of uploaded files by admins

Media picture: Make meeting report editable by the author in front-end

Make meeting report editable by the author in front-end


The participatory process has an area


Add upvotes et downvotes to comments exports

Accepted / In progress

Módulo “Buscador”


Registre d'aportacions en el panell d'usuari


We should always display "The process" tab


Export comments in blog posts

Ask permission to client for Push Notifications


Place inactive steps configurations in toggle

Accepted / In progress
Media picture: Sorting categories

Sorting categories


Inserció d'imatges barrejades amb text


Improve the UX for multi-lingual fields when the organization has multiple languages


Revamp UX of consultations

Enable "Pages" space as a module for processes

Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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