Gestió grup de processos (ocultar subprocessos a la Home)
Main repo (merged)Send proof of response of a survey to participants
[EN] Single definitition for scopes and areas + new administration role [ES] Única definición para ámbitos y áreas + nuevo rol de administración

Add user name and nickname next to avatar in conversations
Main repo (accepted)
Allow the author of an initiative to choose the end of signature collection period
Main repo (merged)
Aggregate the opinions issued in a debate
Possibility to configure the top level navigation
Add granularity to notifications
Main repo (merged)No surt l'icona per respodre a una proposta i acceptar-la/rebutjar-la
Main repo (merged)General Assembly
![Media picture: [EN] Let user groups be organizers of a meeting / [ES] Dejar que los grupos de usuarios sean organizadores](
[EN] Let user groups be organizers of a meeting / [ES] Dejar que los grupos de usuarios sean organizadores
Main repo (merged)Proveedor y cliente de OAuth 2
Main repo (merged)
Registration form improvement with 2 steps + 1 onboarding screen
Main repo (accepted)Admin can revoke old verifications
Main repo (merged)Módulo “Visualización de datos”
Main repo (merged)Añadir el tipo de ordenación de propuestas "más comentadas"
Main repo (merged)Send a notification when a post has been published
Main repo (accepted)Non anonymous survey answer
Millores al mòdul d'enquestes
Main repo (merged)
Create a Media Gallery component

Add Github like checklists to results

Add ordering capabilities and display options to budget index
Main repo (merged)Configuration option for disabling automatic browser language detection

Let admins crop pictures on Decidim
Participatory budget and metrics

Display the component menu in participatory spaces
Main repo (merged)
Bulk actions to block reported participants
Main repo (accepted)Configurar camps obligatoris al crear una proposta
Create image galleries in proposals
Main repo (merged)Alternative display option for comments
Put terms and conditions in a modal
Main repo (accepted)
Restrict by verification to make comments
Main repo (merged)Display budgeting projects in a modal window instead of their own page
Main repo (accepted)Afegir més d'un padró a la plataforma

Configurable special login route for admins
Duplicar un formulari d'inscripció al component trobades

Notify change of proposal state to the author
Main repo (merged)Bug - "Follow" shows unpublished assemblies
Main repo (merged)Allow user to know which link it already visited

Import / export participatory processes
Main repo (merged)Disable "sortitions" and "budgets" by default

Visualization about the submitted proposals
Main repo (accepted)Suggest to the users that register via Oauth subscribing to the newsletter
Better control of the OmniAuth authentication flows + adding new OmniAuth strategies
Automatic 'follow' of private users in participatory spaces
Main repo (accepted)