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To propose a new feature or functionality or an improvement or change upon an existing one, first please check out that it is not already on the roadmap, or that it hasn't been discussed already. Try to be as clear as possible when making a new proposal and take into account the instructions provided on "The Process" section. Thanks for contributing, your ideas and proposals are very valuable for this project.

814 proposals

Can we add ordering options to the proposal list
Publish posts in my initiative as a user
Links within a text always open a new tab
Descentralización e integridad
Improve the email notification for proposal valuators
Add start/end time in Consultations
Anonymous survey answers
Add proposals author in Notifications
Ability for users to withdraw their meetings
[EN] Let user groups be organizers of a meeting / [ES] Dejar que los grupos de usuarios sean organizadores
Export budget votes
Bulk actions to block reported participants
Definir edat mínima i edat màxima
Add "Ongoing" option to date filter on meetings
Mejoras en órganos (assemblies)
Make Decidim EU cookie laws compliant
Banner for encouraging user to confirm his email address
Add reset search buttons to search forms
Gestió grup de processos (ocultar subprocessos a la Home)
Millorar l'apartat "Tancar" dels tipus de funcionalitats dels processos
Enable interactive map for participatory budget
Ability to use reverse geocoding
Enabling hashtags on user generated content
Afegir un botó "Afegir pregunta" a sota de les preguntes creades
Module: Trusted ids
Activity counter could have links to click on them
Mantenimiento y mejora de diseño web y experiencia de usuario
Add the option of configuration for call to action button on assemblies and processes cards
Registration form customization
Allow filtering and ordering on processes on admin side
Private components within public spaces
Enable configs for omniauth providers at the org level
Add a third meeting type for hybrid event (in person and online)
Proposal email notifications could say "click here to go directly to proposal"
Improvements on "collaborative draft --> to proposal" flow
Confirm that you want to desjoin from the meeting
Millora de Panell d'administració d'Usuaris Gestionats
Survey logic feature for Decidim Survey
Make social media links configurable
Organize Assemblies
Detect the use of spam-bots and ban non compliant users
Integrate a homepage slider
Resend all private users invitations at once
Make new proposal button more visible
Change "" for "Open Street Map"
Add the possibility to add an attachment as an external URL
Integració amb BigBlueButton (BBB)
Optimize First Contentful Paint
Unify Management users private assemblies
Preguntar y almacenar el ámbito del usuario
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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