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Configuració de les galetes

Fem servir galetes per assegurar les funcionalitats bàsiques del lloc web i per a millorar la teva experiència en línia. Pots configurar i acceptar l'ús de galetes, i modificar les teves opcions de consentiment en qualsevol moment.



Analítiques i estadístiques


Per proposar una nova característica o funcionalitat o una millora o canvi sobre una existent, primer revisa que no estigui ja en el full de ruta o que no s'hagi discutit prèviament. Intenta explicar-te de la manera més clara possible en realitzar una proposta i tingues en compte les instruccions proporcionades a la secció "El procés". Moltes gràcies per contribuir, les teves idees i propostes són molt valuoses per al projecte.

845 propostes

Guardar abans de publicar
Review Admin Log notifications
Allow one to many relations for scopes
Poder editar una proposta (com a mínim tenir un marge de temps)
Export only the current selection in the admin
Grouping multi-choice questions
Custom icons in my Home Screen
Anonymous proposals
Dereference (new) profile pages to limit spam exposure and disincentivise spam accounts
Add the feature "process type" to allow filtering Processes by type
Multilingual images/attachments for content blocks
Admin user access log against authentication attempts
Add "new proposal +" call to action to home page of participatory space
[EN] Selective newsletter / [ES] Newsletter selectiva
Create, edit and remove badges
Verification of Identity for Ballots and Votation in an area of circunscription (cities, terrirories, ..)
Proposals - X characters left
A mobile app for Decidim
Show results in the first page of the accountability component and other UX tweaks
Change "change password" process to make user retype current password
Display the number of users subscribed to the newsletter
Export budgeting projects
Signature gauge for child scopes
Make the name of the organitzation the option of being multi-language
Possibility to automatically activate process steps
Create themes to display more accuratly news, data, and enhance UX
Possibility to force login before accessing the platform
En encuestas, dar la posibilidad de contestar más de una vez
Add instant input validation on authentication forms
Report Button for Missing/Wrong Translation
Links within a text always open a new tab
Remove validate_caps_first validator on proposal form
Maximum number of projects to be voted on on Budget component
Export of proposals as word.doc
Add areas to "my interests"
Use automatic language detection for the machine translation feature
Las organicaciones o user groups también deberían ser mencionables
Proposals at a glance from the homepage
Create accountability results automatically from "selected" budgeting projects
Proposals - Internal tags for administrative purposes
Possibility to return when you get to statues
Add QR code generation as a sharing option
Poder definir adreces URL personalitzades
Authorization handler modal for surveys
Imatge en el cos de la proposta
Add alert when publish a survey with answers
User created debate delete/purge
Formulario de contacto con administradores
[EN] Diff rendering improvements in version control
The participatory process has an area
Add the possibility to add an attachment as an external URL
Clarify the terms of the APGL license and its relation with the Social Contract
Add comments in participatory space presentation page stats block
Possibility to disable sign up / registering
mòdul del vot sense registre
File upload button redesign
Afegir un comptador de comentaris en la targeta de cada debat
Create an installer package
Specific census in a Consultation
Add versioning to initiatives
Importar y exportar Meetings
Survey answer type: Image comparison
Create a general moderation panel
Add "My proposals" filter in the proposals list page
Gamification of the administration
Challenges module
Aggregate the opinions issued in a debate
Make Organizational Charts Useful
Add "Create proposal as" in admin "New proposal" form
Notify registration code in my account
Añadir filtros para navegar en los encuentros presenciales
En Usuarios de Asamblea implementar el campo de nickname
Provide new option to support a proposal: with a scale
Include year in meetings' right columns
Sorting and filtering capabilities in Budget module
Make debate end date
Collapsible sections in the admin
Unlink Decidim hashtags from Twitter
Possibility to configure default sorting for porposals
Ampliar opcions de l'editor de text.
Maximum characters for questionnaire text answers
Make social media links configurable
Optimize Speed Index
Server setup for Push Notifications
Hacer que las estadísticas de actividades en procesos sean clickables (enlace)
Proposal creation UX - Changes to stepped proposal creation
Make the proposal map filterable
Allow all members of a group to edit a proposal submitted by their group
Add a younger touch to Decidim design.
Export budget votes
Incloure el component enquesta dintre d'una trobada
Language preference in participant settings
New role and permissions for assemblies
Change the subject format for comment notifications
Allow visitors without accounts to vote on proposals
Merge actions of "Minutes" and "Close" in meetings
Add start/end time in Consultations
Add two CTA option to "finish" step of initiatives
Change the word users for participants on the entire platform
Allow for more than one joint file
Resultats per pàgina:
Veure totes les propostes retirades


Si us plau, inicia la sessió

La contrasenya és massa curta.
