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403 propuestas

Deleted process groups appears in the Groups selector on process list
Les dates d'inici i fi del procés apareixen de manera automàtica amb errada ortogràfica: en català els mesos van en minúscula i cal apostrofar.
Missatge d'OK al crear una nota privada
When user has no nickname nothing displays in conversation title
Mentions to a participant are not rendered correctly in email notifications
[Accessibility] Get rid of ALLCAPS headings and buttons in the default Decidim styling
Quan creo una proposta veig la proposta draft d'algu altre!
Wrong dates debates and Order Debates
Error en url del perfil
Assembly "Admin has added you" notification includes unresolvable URL
Messages appear duplicated on conversations.
Recuperació de contrasenya no dona avís d'error
Añadir imágenes tras modificar propuestas
Minuts de trobada
Name of submitter not included in Proposal component export
Procesos privados no funcionan
Auto-follow enabled?
Cannot access notifications on 0.10.x
Clicking on edit a proposal from the frontend leads you to the general table of proposals.
Missing translations in ca/es/oc in the group creation form
Al editar una proposta pot canviar l'autor involuntàriament
Proposal component crashes only in English for Roadmap process at meta.decidim
An incorrect translation variable in the email
Impossible to access/edit/delete a page created in
Statistics blocks number overlaps text underneath
I can't comment as a Group
No resta el comentari amagat per moderació en el recompte de comentaris
Organization's census uploading fails
Actualización estado campana de notificaciones
PDF creation within Initiative not translatable
Menú no muestra componentes
Limitation of characters in "creating" step initiatives
Multiple notifications of the same "event"
Two buttons "create" and "send" when creating a managed user
Assemby admins must not be allowed to send newsletters platform-wide
Fijar tamaño de celdas y resolver problemas de interlineados en tarjetas
Loading wrong default locale
Votes count appear on linked proposals even when votes are not activated
Official proposals in sortitions
[CRITICAL] Vote/support button not responsive
Feedback needed after Endorsing
Endorsement doesn't generate notifications to followers
Creació automàtica de perfil en convidar usuari via CSV
Consultation icon does not display correctly on Notifications
Removed propositions still visible in the "recent activity" section on the front page
Descarregar excel amb propostes
No puc accedir a les trobades del procés de benvinguda
Wrong URL leads to czech pages on
Registro de bots (spam)
Static map disable HERE map functionality
Ordre els processos a la pàgina processos
Missing part of url: notification where a file is attached
Can't copy paste some camp body
Deleting an organization is not working
Sorting filter in frontend doesn't work properly
Shared data between organization
Not able to follow another user
Iniciativa registrada y con 4 apoyos no aparece en el menú iniciativas
When maximum supports is 0 it shouldn't be shown the threshold
Types of initiatives are not displayed on left navigation filter-menu
While editing my bug notification I could not acces the "attachements" box
Varios errores en Newsletters con plantilla no básica
Error when generating external component: uninitialized constant Decidim::Generators::ComponentGenerator::Bundler (NameError)
Error merging proposals that come from a meeting
Docker installation Decidim development fails
The proposal sidebar layout is broken on tablet portrait screens
Admin menu missing on assemblies
Error related to special characters to user names
No funciona el enlace de invitación a admin
Missing some translations for Euskera and Galician in 0.14.1
Error relating proposal to budget projects
Unknown problem when creating a meeting
Administration of User Officialitation
As an admin, I should be able to preview an unpublished component
El botó per "Deixar de donar suport" continua dient "Ja li has donat suport""
Invitations to Initiatives are sent before they are published
When you create a meeting, notification is sent to the participants even if it is not published
Documents and collections should move up to the top of webhooks and related content in process page
Resend confirmation instructions - Hard to understand error message
Home blocks Processes / Assemblies are gone
No funciona correctament el procés de votació en una consulta
Problemas de funcionamiento con las Iniciativas
User invitation form doesn't render the text of the newsletter checkbox in the contact permissions section
Decidim Team Assembly is shown 3 times
Official proposals do not allow denunciation or moderation.
Error on meetings page / upcoming meetings
Not possible to upgrade 0.17 without conferences
The activity stream and timelines do not display proposals
Mòdul processos actius no té en compte el pes dels processos
Last activity feed is not working properly
Notificación en idioma francés con Decidim en català y castellano
Error de traducció
Free textfield in survey disabled when clicking on it on Safari
Invitació a participar bloqueja el registre d'usuari
Loss of hero image when the udpate 013.1 to 0.14 is made
Participatory texts - several format issues in document view
Període actiu del procés no agafa el dia de finalització
Can not secure Consultations with verifiers
No es poden afegir més d'un adjunt a les propostes des del panell d'administració
I wasn't able to sign up via facebook/google.
Resultados por página:
Ver todas las propuestas retiradas


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