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To propose a new feature or functionality or an improvement or change upon an existing one, first please check out that it is not already on the roadmap, or that it hasn't been discussed already. Try to be as clear as possible when making a new proposal and take into account the instructions provided on "The Process" section. Thanks for contributing, your ideas and proposals are very valuable for this project.

845 proposals

Media picture: Send notification to user when their comment has been voted up/down

Send notification to user when their comment has been voted up/down

Main repo (merged)

Displays all yep, nope and neutral in colums

Media picture: Make the proposal map filterable

Make the proposal map filterable

Add social networks: Mastodon, telegram, peertube

Media picture: Grouping multi-choice questions

Grouping multi-choice questions

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Multilingual organization name

Multilingual organization name

Main repo (accepted)

Targeted communication to groups of people

Response to comments when comments are disabled should be an admin option

Enhance UX for the user interaction with the map

Allow authorization handlers to control when reauthorization is allowed

Afegir l'Aranès com a idioma al Decidim

As a user I want to receive a notification when my comment gets and upvote / downvote

Main repo (merged)

Proposal + comments export

Media picture: Las organicaciones o user groups también deberían ser mencionables

Las organicaciones o user groups también deberían ser mencionables

Main repo (merged)

Add images to the card on official proposals

Main repo (merged)

Canviar l'icona de les Enquestes per que no es confongui amb la d'informació

Main repo (merged)

Rebre notificació quan t'inclouen a una Assemblea

GDPR - Right to object processing of personal details

Allow defining static page content using the content blocks

Afegir imatges al cos de les pàgines

Main repo (merged)

Alternative ways for delivering export results

Media picture: A password helper during the registration process

A password helper during the registration process

Main repo (accepted)

UX / Proposal selection in admin budgeting project adding view

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: User created debate delete/purge

User created debate delete/purge

Main repo (merged)

Initiatives notifications enhancement

Main repo (accepted)

UX simplification of initiatives for broader use cases

Main repo (merged)

Send notification when initiative reaches 100% of support thereshold

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Visualization about the submitted proposals

Visualization about the submitted proposals

Main repo (accepted)

mòdul del vot sense registre

PDF for participatory text consultations

Media picture: Allow answering survey several times

Allow answering survey several times

Main repo (merged)

Localisation and district population

Include endorsements for blog posts

Main repo (merged)

En encuestas, dar la posibilidad de contestar más de una vez

Main repo (merged)

Poder definir contingut per defecte al cos de la proposta

Main repo (merged)

Free settings of Users Rights

Afegir un comptador de comentaris en la targeta de cada debat

Main repo (merged)

Allow contacting participants for ID validation

Media picture: Send reminders to users with pending votes

Send reminders to users with pending votes

Main repo (merged)

Make debate end date

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Improvements on decidim-accountability module

Improvements on decidim-accountability module

Main repo (merged)

Set the exact time when you want to start and end a consultation

Allow admins to "internally" categorize proposals into different scopes

Proposals - X characters left

Main repo (merged)

Create themes to display more accuratly news, data, and enhance UX

De-activate categories for new proposals, maintain them for results and old proposals

Media picture: [EN] Diff rendering improvements in version control

[EN] Diff rendering improvements in version control

Main repo (merged)

Mejorar el sistema de moderación de propuestas y usuarios

Main repo (merged)

Digest notifications

Main repo (merged)

Change the subject format for comment notifications

Adding new docs in a proposal

Main repo (merged)

Automatic translation for user generated content

Main repo (merged)

Comply with EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Main repo (merged)

Position cursor on map to enter address

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Disseny nou mòdul de Debat Familiar

Disseny nou mòdul de Debat Familiar

Change "change password" process to make user retype current password

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Allow the author of an initiative to choose the end of signature collection period

Allow the author of an initiative to choose the end of signature collection period

Main repo (merged)

Create types of votations and process of votations

Proposal preview - Show the whole content and attachments

Main repo (merged)

Add areas in initiatives export

Main repo (merged)

Adding dropdown single select option to surveys

Add config field to set max size of uploaded files by admins

Create an installer package

Media picture: Can we add ordering options to the proposal list

Can we add ordering options to the proposal list

Main repo (merged)

Mejoras en procesos y generales

Main repo (merged)

Millores al mòdul d'enquestes

Main repo (merged)

General Assembly

Possibility to return when you get to statues

Main repo (accepted)

Allow all members of a group to edit a proposal submitted by their group

Media picture: Allow attachements in comments

Allow attachements in comments

Enable external registration links

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Allow participants to write proposals without/before creating their account

Allow participants to write proposals without/before creating their account

Main repo (accepted)
Media picture: Add images to Meeting metadata

Add images to Meeting metadata

Guardar abans de publicar

Main repo (merged)

Formulario de contacto con administradores

Private components within public spaces

Add title sections in survey

Main repo (merged)

Selective indication of a comment's original language

Main repo (accepted)

Better handling of the date in Notifications

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Easier theming e.g. for Bootstrap UI framework

Easier theming e.g. for Bootstrap UI framework

Possibility for admins to edit anyone's proposals

"Continue" or "Submit" takes the user to the top of the page

Main repo (accepted)

Proposals - Internal tags for administrative purposes

Rediseño movil adaptativo con usabilidad UX y accesibilidad

Media picture: Anonymous survey answers

Anonymous survey answers

Main repo (merged)

Add areas to "my interests"

Add follow button on results

Main repo (accepted)

Show child categories in export

Main repo (accepted)
Media picture: Text enriquits per a les actes de les Trobades.

Text enriquits per a les actes de les Trobades.

Main repo (merged)

Allow assigning to users in Accountability module

Possibility to configure the sign in flow to send user to external service directly

Media picture: Allow configuring an "after vote popup" for the budgets component

Allow configuring an "after vote popup" for the budgets component

Main repo (accepted)

Enable attachments in blog posts

Main repo (merged)

Enabling hashtags on user generated content

Main repo (merged)

Hide picture, bio and personal url for blocked users, even for logged in users

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Enhance initiative filter in the admin

Enhance initiative filter in the admin

Main repo (merged)

Afegir més d'un padró a la plataforma

Add a hint in admin for multi-lingual instances

Media picture: UX / Improve second level navigation usability on mobile

UX / Improve second level navigation usability on mobile

Main repo (accepted)

Opt-in to newsletter when using OmniAuth registration method

Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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