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To propose a new feature or functionality or an improvement or change upon an existing one, first please check out that it is not already on the roadmap, or that it hasn't been discussed already. Try to be as clear as possible when making a new proposal and take into account the instructions provided on "The Process" section. Thanks for contributing, your ideas and proposals are very valuable for this project.

845 proposals

Mejoras en procesos y generales

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: [Security] Visual password strength meter (OWASP ASVS v4.0.3-2.1.8)

[Security] Visual password strength meter (OWASP ASVS v4.0.3-2.1.8)

General Assembly

Allow for multiple attachments on proposals

Main repo (merged)

Provide a URL to be able to sign up + become member of a private space

Main repo (accepted)

Information only option on surveys

Main repo (merged)

Mejoras en encuentros presenciales

Main repo (merged)

[EN] Single definitition for scopes and areas + new administration role [ES] Única definición para ámbitos y áreas + nuevo rol de administración

Include content from the help/pages section within the site search

Media picture: Possibility for survey respondent to get a summary of their answers

Possibility for survey respondent to get a summary of their answers

Ability to disable participatory space view hooks (e.g. proposal listing)

Revamp UX of consultations

Funcionalidad de puntuación/impacto - Modificación del de presupuestos

Media picture: New role and permissions for assemblies

New role and permissions for assemblies

Media picture: Maximum characters for questionnaire text answers

Maximum characters for questionnaire text answers

Main repo (merged)

Digest notifications

Main repo (merged)

Improve single day process steps (i.e. for important meetings)

Incorporar informació del pressupost al seguiment de resultats

Main repo (merged)

Use new card design for budget projects

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Create a general moderation panel

Create a general moderation panel

Main repo (merged)

Clarify the terms of the APGL license and its relation with the Social Contract

Main repo (merged)

Enable interactive map for participatory budget

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Dereference (new) profile pages to limit spam exposure and disincentivise spam accounts

Dereference (new) profile pages to limit spam exposure and disincentivise spam accounts

Main repo (merged)

If I am private user of child assembly I am private user of mother assembly

Type of answer: List selection (survey)

Notify participants when their ask to join the collaborative draft is accepted

Hide the authorization handler used for impersonation from /authorizations

Navigate processes, agoras, initiatives and votations on a map

Media picture: Include opening and closing date and time on debate information card.

Include opening and closing date and time on debate information card.

Main repo (merged)

Proposal email notifications could say "click here to go directly to proposal"

GDPR Compliance - Automate deletion of inactive users' accounts

Main repo (merged)

Reorganize Fields in Admin Forms for Improved Performance

Organize Assemblies

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Use machine translation in notifications

Use machine translation in notifications

Main repo (merged)

Module: Trusted ids

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Private notes for initiatives

Private notes for initiatives

Main repo (accepted)
Media picture: Add a third meeting type for hybrid event (in person and online)

Add a third meeting type for hybrid event (in person and online)

Main repo (merged)

Poder editar una proposta (com a mínim tenir un marge de temps)

Main repo (merged)

Make user groups searchable

Main repo (merged)

Private components within public spaces

Implementación de un plan de civic engagement en la plataforma

Main repo (merged)

Add action button on the view to manage a proposal

Main repo (accepted)
Media picture: Visualization about the submitted proposals

Visualization about the submitted proposals

Main repo (accepted)

Añadir a los botones de compartir un 'botón' para Mastodon

Media picture: Add filters on /meetings page

Add filters on /meetings page

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Voting carousel

Voting carousel

Independent module
Media picture: Activity counter could have links to click on them

Activity counter could have links to click on them

Main repo (merged)

Permetre la pujada masssiva de documents adjunts o fotografies

Main repo (merged)

Formulario de contacto con administradores

Add character count to conversations

Main repo (accepted)

Put most recent message on top of conversations

Main repo (merged)

Do not ask for user name during registration

Reverse chronological order in conversations

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Add verifications to consultation questions

Add verifications to consultation questions

Main repo (merged)

Improvements on "collaborative draft --> to proposal" flow

Bug - "Follow" shows unpublished assemblies

Main repo (merged)

Extend the GraphQL mutations APIs

Better control of the authorization permission requirements for a component

Verification of Identity for Ballots and Votation in an area of circunscription (cities, terrirories, ..)

Personalized timezones

Media picture: Improve file attachment uploads

Improve file attachment uploads

Main repo (merged)

Add instant input validation on authentication forms

Main repo (merged)

Non anonymous survey answer

Use time ago instead of date

Main repo (merged)

Push Notifications

Main repo (merged)

Add groups as assembly members

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Dashboard Comunitario

Dashboard Comunitario

Recover a verified user activity

Main repo (merged)

Fix groups mentions in Notifications

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Publish posts in my initiative as a user

Publish posts in my initiative as a user

Main repo (accepted)
Media picture: Move homepage settings to Homepage section

Move homepage settings to Homepage section

Main repo (accepted)

Admin contact form

Main repo (accepted)

Language preference in participant settings

Main repo (merged)

Enable configs for omniauth providers at the org level

Main repo (merged)

Add nickname autofilling to the sign up form

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Show the amount of individual voters in the budgets component

Show the amount of individual voters in the budgets component

Main repo (merged)

Participatory process button statuses

Main repo (merged)

Proposal preview - Show the whole content and attachments

Main repo (merged)

A mobile app for Decidim

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: A password helper during the registration process

A password helper during the registration process

Main repo (accepted)

Allow all members of a group to edit a proposal submitted by their group

Changes to answered state filtering of proposals

Ocultar menú iniciatives quan no s'ha començat a utilitzar

Main repo (accepted)

Displays all yep, nope and neutral in colums

Automatic translation for user generated content

Main repo (merged)
Media picture: Evaluation buttons on proposals

Evaluation buttons on proposals

Possibility to disable sign up / registering

Add versioning to initiatives

Main repo (merged)

Canvi automàtic de fase d'un procés

Main repo (merged)

Continuity in components

Media picture: Add a "From Label" to SMTP settings

Add a "From Label" to SMTP settings

Main repo (merged)

Remove validate_caps_first validator on proposal form

Different SMTP server for every tenant

Main repo (merged)

Allow for single date on processes steps

Media picture: Add formating to term of use content on signup page

Add formating to term of use content on signup page

Main repo (merged)

Change attachment photo image alt texts to the title

GDPR - Right to object processing of personal details

Revision on assembly administrator permission.

Include a bit of additional details in the HTTP 500 error page message

Main repo (merged)

Liquid democracy

Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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