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To propose a new feature or functionality or an improvement or change upon an existing one, first please check out that it is not already on the roadmap, or that it hasn't been discussed already. Try to be as clear as possible when making a new proposal and take into account the instructions provided on "The Process" section. Thanks for contributing, your ideas and proposals are very valuable for this project.

814 proposals

Improve email received on moderated content
ActivityPub support
Localisation and district population
Permitir a las organizaciones adherirse a una propuesta
Enable feature duplication
Make the survey section conditional
Include opening and closing date and time on debate information card.
Añadir a los botones de compartir un 'botón' para Mastodon
Add "pay what you can" option for conference registration
Reconeixement automĂ tic de links
Custom icons in my Home Screen
Poder generar documents Excel-Word dels continguts tant intern com extern
User flow / guidance tool
Afegir més d'un padró a la plataforma
Search capabilities and bulk action for private users
Let admins crop pictures on Decidim
Add an "open trash" space for inadmissible initiatives
[EN] Duplicate the survey in the same process and in different processes / [ES] Duplicar la encuesta en el mismo proceso y en procesos diferentes
Anonymous proposals
Cookie policy: accept and reject
Make the number of characters allowed for the petitions description field configurable
Dereference (new) profile pages to limit spam exposure and disincentivise spam accounts
Completar la funcionalidad polimĂłrfica de seguir
Feedback form for more actions (PB vote, proposal...)
Unlink Decidim hashtags from Twitter
Add granularity to notifications
Add homepage block feature latest blog posts
Automatically assign a valuator depending on the category
Delete button for a participatory space
Add character count to conversations
Survey's answers counter discards answers to more than a questionnaire on the same process
Admin contact form
Let participants create meetings on participatory processes
Adding new docs in a proposal
Afegir delegaciĂł de vot al mĂČdul consultes
Import / export participatory processes
Duplicate questions in consultations
Include content from the help/pages section within the site search
Visualizing the summary of a process
Disable the language selector in the account settings if only one locale is configured
Attachments to accountability results
Internal module for text analysis
Add statistics block to show proposal repartition in categories and areas
Make home section .footer_sub_hero html editable
Proposals - Internal tags for administrative purposes
CSV census for verifications
Send reminders to users with pending votes
Add "My proposals" filter in the proposals list page
Apply filters to exports
User created debate delete/purge
Configuration option for initiative type to desactivate comments
Disable "sortitions" and "budgets" by default
Disable the proposal comparator
Poder definir contingut per defecte al cos de la proposta
Add a way to dismiss the omnipresent banner
Let admin add the author's name and contact details when importing a proposal
Allow one to many relations for scopes
Add extra field exporting proposals
Rewrite comments in Rails
Allow users/participants as a possible entry for sortition
Link to notifications settings in every email notification
Create a daily digest with newly reported content
Ordenar proyectos por votos
Recover a verified user activity
OpciĂłn de pre-visualizaciĂłn para texto propuestas
Añadir el tipo de ordenación de propuestas "mås comentadas"
Use new card design for budget projects
Initiatives notifications enhancement
Selective indication of a comment's original language
Better control of the OmniAuth authentication flows + adding new OmniAuth strategies
Re-integrated EU eIDAS-compliant Italian SPID Authentication
Configurable timezones per user
Admin analytics dashboard
Signature gauge for child scopes
Enhance officialization table in admin
Add "Create proposal as" in admin "New proposal" form
Valorar altres maneres de verificaciĂł com a Usuari
Set email asset host dynamically
Collaborative proposals
Vincular propostes i trobades de processos amb assemblees
Automatically report potential spam users
Possibility to configure the participatory space navigation
Add upvotes et downvotes to comments exports
Allow attachements in comments
Harmonize Initiative front office filters
Reverse chronological order in conversations
Poca visibilitat alhora d'inscriure't
Allow visitors to register to an event without having to signup
Registration form customization
Add the option of configuration for call to action button on assemblies and processes cards
Import attachment of the proposals
Enable interactive map for participatory budget
No surt l'icona per respodre a una proposta i acceptar-la/rebutjar-la
Enhance participatory process cards
Facilitate proposals management in admin
Make debate end date
Add areas to initiatives
[EN] Improvements to amendments
Place inactive steps configurations in toggle
Improve single day process steps (i.e. for important meetings)
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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