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Configuració de les galetes

Fem servir galetes per assegurar les funcionalitats bàsiques del lloc web i per a millorar la teva experiència en línia. Pots configurar i acceptar l'ús de galetes, i modificar les teves opcions de consentiment en qualsevol moment.



Analítiques i estadístiques


Per proposar una nova característica o funcionalitat o una millora o canvi sobre una existent, primer revisa que no estigui ja en el full de ruta o que no s'hagi discutit prèviament. Intenta explicar-te de la manera més clara possible en realitzar una proposta i tingues en compte les instruccions proporcionades a la secció "El procés". Moltes gràcies per contribuir, les teves idees i propostes són molt valuoses per al projecte.

817 propostes

Change XLS exports to XLSX (XLS worksheets limited to 65,536 rows)
Possibles millores en el modul seguiment
El Muntatge d'Assemblees no es suficientment clar
One to many relationships for areas
Add a way to dismiss the omnipresent banner
Modifying proposals I should be able to change my joint file
Allow changing the budget of a project
Dashboard Comunitario
Add webp format for images
Voting rules on budget module
Improvement of the Decidim’s metrics consistency throughout the application
Add back to list link
Add confirmation email with answers in survey questionnaires
Import attachment of the proposals
[EN] Possibility to sort assemblies acocording to scopes / [ES] Posibilidad de ordenar las asambleas en función del abasto
Poder editar una proposta (com a mínim tenir un marge de temps)
Add a third meeting type for hybrid event (in person and online)
Enable user to switch map background from map to satellite
Server setup for Push Notifications
Añadir el tipo de ordenación de propuestas "más comentadas"
Ability to publish individual accountability results
[EN] Enhancement to surveys: Id + Visible without logging
Make Decidim EU cookie laws compliant
Space for default image when items have no image
Add vote count per budget on budgets index in BO
To improve the Terms of Service (TOS) block in the sign up
Add two CTA option to "finish" step of initiatives
Intelligent recommendations
Add reset search buttons to search forms
UX / Improve second level navigation usability on mobile
Do not ask for user name during registration
Add statistics block to show proposal repartition in categories and areas
Contrato social. Referencia a gobiernos e instituciones con investigación de violaciones de derechos humanos por organismos internacionales.
Enhance initiative homepage block
Linkar las ponentes en el programa al perfil o descripción de ponentes
Afegir un comptador de comentaris en la targeta de cada debat
Adding new docs in a proposal
Añadir un contador de comentarios en cada tarjeta de propuesta dentro de la página listado de propuestas
A mobile app for Decidim
Display all processes on home page stats not only active
Allow defining static page content using the content blocks
User flow / guidance tool
Make the number of characters allowed for the petitions description field configurable
Add search capabilities to result in the admin
Response to comments when comments are disabled should be an admin option
Establir un mínim obligatori de suports a les propostes
Opció d'afegir camps per crear una proposta
Registro de actividad de administradores, moderadores y verificadores
Export only the current selection in the admin
When Etherpad integration is enabled, use those notes for the minutes field when closing a meeting
Order assemblies and processes in public page
Mail invitació reunió a membres
Afegir l'Aranès com a idioma al Decidim
Allow testing surveys prior publication
Enhance accessibility for disabled users
Personal drafts / unfinished work section under the profile menu
Apply ransack's sort on process and assembly homepage in the backend
Move the Version box below the action buttons box
Incorporar usuaris a un procés
Improve the Privacy Policy consent textarea with a summary
Admin contact form
Proveedor y cliente de OAuth 2
Open external links/related documents in another tab/window
Vinculació de trobades
Budgeting - Add shortened description for the projects in the listing view
Different terminology by tenant
Links within a text always open a new tab
Allow non-registered users to register for meetings
Displays all yep, nope and neutral in colums
Allow configuring an "after vote popup" for the budgets component
Collaborative proposals
Possibility to configure the sign in flow to send user to external service directly
Digest notifications
Include content from the help/pages section within the site search
Community Module - Jitsi Meeting
Let admins crop pictures on Decidim
Restrict by verification to make comments
Publish posts in my initiative as a user
Admin analytics dashboard
Registre d'aportacions en el panell d'usuari
Page to show all upcoming events
Use more Quill Rich Text Editor capabilities
Allow visitors to register to an event without having to signup
Automatic 'follow' of private users in participatory spaces
Incluir "Grupo de Procesos" dentro de "Procesos" en el menú del panel de Admin
Show child categories in export
Allow user to know which link it already visited
mòdul del vot sense registre
Add formating to term of use content on signup page
Hide irrelevant filters on a Proposals index
Add ordering capabilities and display options to budget index
Enable "Pages" space as a module for processes
As an admin I want to be able to add custom links on a participatory space navbar
Optimize First Contentful Paint
Afegir delegació de vot al mòdul consultes
Buscardor para las Propuestas en el menu de Funcionalidades
Poca visibilitat alhora d'inscriure't
Sorting categories
Change the subject format for comment notifications
Allow deleting sections from preview view after participatory text import
Resultats per pàgina:
Veure totes les propostes retirades


Si us plau, inicia la sessió

La contrasenya és massa curta.
