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Configuració de les galetes

Fem servir galetes per assegurar les funcionalitats bàsiques del lloc web i per a millorar la teva experiència en línia. Pots configurar i acceptar l'ús de galetes, i modificar les teves opcions de consentiment en qualsevol moment.



Analítiques i estadístiques


Per proposar una nova característica o funcionalitat o una millora o canvi sobre una existent, primer revisa que no estigui ja en el full de ruta o que no s'hagi discutit prèviament. Intenta explicar-te de la manera més clara possible en realitzar una proposta i tingues en compte les instruccions proporcionades a la secció "El procés". Moltes gràcies per contribuir, les teves idees i propostes són molt valuoses per al projecte.

815 propostes

Improving open data feature on Decidim
Majority judgment method
Automatically deleting inactive users (if the admin chooses to do so)
Moderation missing on Debate feature
Registration to a meeting from the e-mail
Valorar altres maneres de verificació com a Usuari
Meeting registrations closing time
Detect the use of spam-bots and ban non compliant users
[EN] Let user groups be organizers of a meeting / [ES] Dejar que los grupos de usuarios sean organizadores
Displays all yep, nope and neutral in colums
French inclusive writing
Allow the admin to send an initiative to technical validation after it was discarded
Change "change password" process to make user retype current password
Newsfeed from Blogs
Send an email to authors when their content is flagged by a user
Ability to disable participatory space view hooks (e.g. proposal listing)
Display budgeting projects in a modal window instead of their own page
Space for default image when items have no image
Allow authors of user generated meetings to close their meeting
Make the number of characters allowed for the petitions description field configurable
Individual contexts and scopes
Add verifications to consultation questions
Disable the proposal comparator
Send a notification when a post has been published
Add title sections in survey
Allow the author of an initiative to choose the end of signature collection period
Improve the error feedback on input errors
Share with WhatsApp and Telegram
Clarify the texts for download & delete data in "My account"
Assign valuators when managing a single proposal in the admin
Replace "Order position" fields with drag & drop
Update conversation icon on user activity sidebar profile to explain messaging restriction when in place
Afegir delegació de vot al mòdul consultes
Display the creation of petitions in the activity blocks
Feat join meeting as user group
Configurable special login route for admins
Add areas to "my interests"
Order processes groups in processes page
Apply ransack's sort on process and assembly homepage in the backend
Announce your Decidim Web App?
Extend the GraphQL mutations APIs
Possibility to disable compare step in the wizard
Extend filter concept including area filter
Auto email after submitting a proposal
[EN] Filters on processes, assemblies and consultations
Make sure admins save their changes before leaving
Send a single notification when both proposals and proposals' answers are uploaded in bulk.
Allow for multiple attachments on proposals
Allow user to know which link it already visited
Voice Contributions
Do not ask for user name during registration
Create themes to display more accuratly news, data, and enhance UX
Add groups as assembly members
The participatory process has an area
Allow to filter assemblies by type
Make Decidim EU cookie laws compliant
Add a report button on the last activities page
Add an admin result page for consultations
Create a general moderation panel
Allow participants to write proposals without/before creating their account
Add images to Meeting metadata
Improvements in the management of private participants
Export of proposals as word.doc
Add granularity to notifications
A better Decidim in Docker
Provide new option to support a proposal: with a scale
Allow admins to manage responses to surveys in the admin
Add to Home Screen
Show publication date of each article on blog main page
Improvement of the Decidim’s metrics consistency throughout the application
Canvi automàtic de fase d'un procés
Add vote count per budget on budgets index in BO
Improve Diff visualization for amendments
Flexible Admin-Configurable Display Order Options for Processes
Proposal + comments export
Improve the UX for multi-lingual fields when the organization has multiple languages
Hide irrelevant filters on a Proposals index
Evaluation buttons on proposals
Add upvotes et downvotes to comments exports
Integration with Jitsi
Hide the authorization handler used for impersonation from /authorizations
Alternative ways for delivering export results
Vote multiple times for a same project
Damage (& Idea-) Report
Let admin add the author's name and contact details when importing a proposal
Create a daily digest with newly reported content
Ability to search for ideas that have not yet been linked to projects
Place scopes in toggle for accountability index page
Fix groups mentions in Notifications
Recover a verified user activity
Allow configuring an "after vote popup" for the budgets component
Add comments in participatory space presentation page stats block
Optimize Time to Interactive
Change the subject format for comment notifications
Make the order criteria for comments configurable from the admin
Visualization about the submitted proposals
Let users input a number of participants when closing their meeting
Include a bit of additional details in the HTTP 500 error page message
Introduir sèries de trobades
Send reminders to registered meeting participants
Resultats per pàgina:
Veure totes les propostes retirades


Si us plau, inicia la sessió

La contrasenya és massa curta.
