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Configuració de les galetes

Fem servir galetes per assegurar les funcionalitats bàsiques del lloc web i per a millorar la teva experiència en línia. Pots configurar i acceptar l'ús de galetes, i modificar les teves opcions de consentiment en qualsevol moment.



Analítiques i estadístiques


Per proposar una nova característica o funcionalitat o una millora o canvi sobre una existent, primer revisa que no estigui ja en el full de ruta o que no s'hagi discutit prèviament. Intenta explicar-te de la manera més clara possible en realitzar una proposta i tingues en compte les instruccions proporcionades a la secció "El procés". Moltes gràcies per contribuir, les teves idees i propostes són molt valuoses per al projecte.

819 propostes

Notify participants when result execution state is updated, for those results related to their proposals
[EN] Single definitition for scopes and areas + new administration role [ES] Única definición para ámbitos y áreas + nuevo rol de administración
Módulo “Configurador y generador de páginas de jornadas”
Feat join meeting as user group
Collaborative proposals
Create an installer package
Make sure admins save their changes before leaving
To improve the Terms of Service (TOS) block in the sign up
Possibility to disable sign up / registering
Integració amb BigBlueButton (BBB)
Skip petition type selection screen when there is only one petition
Add to Home Screen
Improve surveys with enhancements
Reconeixement automàtic de links
Add Github like checklists to results
Poder generar documents Excel-Word dels continguts tant intern com extern
Preserve current search filters for admin data exports
Voting rules on budget module
Do not ask for user name during registration
Identificador únic automàtic al procés de registre d'usuari
Add show password option on sign in, sign up and forgot password forms
Enhance initiative filter in the admin
En una encuesta puede haber una primera pregunta que la cierre entera
Permetre comentaris en la funcionalitat pàgina
Proposal preview - Show the whole content and attachments
Importar y exportar Meetings
Url aliases for participatory spaces
Millores al mòdul d'enquestes
Customizable survey success message
Poca visibilitat alhora d'inscriure't
Meetings: start and an end date for registration + a waiting list
Share with WhatsApp and Telegram
Autocomplete for @username mentions
Push Notifications
Strong password policy for Admin users
Role for Translators which doesn't require full admin rights
Continuity in components
Ability to use reverse geocoding
Create a list of banned words for automatical reporting
Add alert when publish a survey with answers
Announce your Decidim Web App?
Revamp UX of consultations
Mantenimiento y mejora de diseño web y experiencia de usuario
Sorteo para seleccionar propuestas en un proceso de participación
Allow admins to manage responses to surveys in the admin
Add the possibility to add an attachment as an external URL
Admin user access log against authentication attempts
Encuentros propuestos por ciudadanos
New content block - Process groups
Improve automatic comparison algorithm when submiting a proposal
As a user I want to receive a notification when my comment gets and upvote / downvote
Add announcement in the Assembly space
Include a bit of additional details in the HTTP 500 error page message
Number of participants in each process and phase
Different terminology by tenant
Add text edition features for the report field when closing a meeting
Add anchors to different sections in the process/assembly pages
Afegir un comptador de comentaris en la targeta de cada debat
Add character count to conversations
Add config field to set max size of uploaded files by admins
Improve the email confirmation user flow
Help text for functionalities
Registration to a meeting from the e-mail
Include content from the help/pages section within the site search
Por defecto seguir a mis propias propuestas
Añadir filtros para navegar en los encuentros presenciales
Change the subject format for comment notifications
Add proposals author in Notifications
Notify author when proposal is selected in sortition
Enable projects geocoding for Budget component
Add versioning to initiatives
Import / export participatory processes
Include endorsements for blog posts
Allow for single date on processes steps
Add "Ongoing" option to date filter on meetings
Use machine translation in notifications
Display the creation of petitions in the activity blocks
Add avatar to assembly members without a registered account
Use neutral terminology
Review Admin Log notifications
Personalized timezones
Allow contacting participants for ID validation
Transparent Processes (similar to transparent assemblies)
En Usuarios de Asamblea implementar el campo de nickname
Better control of the authorization permission requirements for a component
Revamp promoters committee members permissions
Allow the admin to send an initiative to technical validation after it was discarded
Open external links/related documents in another tab/window
[EN] Enhancement to surveys: Id + Visible without logging
Import attachment of the proposals
Export budgeting projects
Módulo “Espacio de colaboración”
Configuration option for initiative type to desactivate comments
Comply with EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
See the full content of comments in Notifications
Add attachment(s) in a survey answer
Configurar camps obligatoris al crear una proposta
Buscardor para las Propuestas en el menu de Funcionalidades
Add emojis to Conversations
Provide a URL to be able to sign up + become member of a private space
Resultats per pàgina:
Veure totes les propostes retirades


Si us plau, inicia la sessió

La contrasenya és massa curta.
