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Analíticas y estadísticas


Para proponer una nueva característica o funcionalidad o una mejora o cambio sobre una existente, primero revisa que no esté ya en la hoja de ruta o que no se haya discutido previamente. Intenta explicarte de la manera más clara posible al realizar una propuesta y ten en cuenta las instrucciones proporcionadas en la sección "El proceso". Muchas gracias por contribuir, tus ideas y propuestas son muy valiosas para el proyecto.

814 propuestas

Allow to filter assemblies by type
Documentation/howto's on different scope in Processes
Space for default image when items have no image
Cercador d'usuaris
Let users input a number of participants when closing their meeting
Implementar servei SaaS de decidim
Fix link to comments in Notifications
Don't show error in case field is empty when creating a proposal
As a user I can edit my comment
Proposal preview - Show the whole content and attachments
Configurable timezones per user
Improve surveys with enhancements
UX / Allow sorting for budgeting projects in the UI
Automatically deleting inactive users (if the admin chooses to do so)
User privacy options and ability to disable public profiles
Ability to publish individual accountability results
Allow authors of user generated meetings to close their meeting
Add config field to set max size of uploaded files by admins
Improve the email confirmation user flow
Add alert when publish a survey with answers
Enable card images for debates
Make Decidim EU cookie laws compliant
Ask permission to client for Push Notifications
Caducitat de les dades d'autorització
Show the states of the results Import/Export tasks into the admin dashboard
Text enriquits per a les actes de les Trobades.
Community Module - Jitsi Meeting
Encuentros propuestos por ciudadanos
Allow users/participants as a possible entry for sortition
Anonymous survey answers
Add groups as assembly members
File upload button redesign
Ampliar opcions de l'editor de text.
Ask for the Participant's interest following his/her registration
Make sure admins save their changes before leaving
Improvements in the management of private participants
Visibility and access to online meeting rooms
A password helper during the registration process
[Security] Add an external link warning
Add a config flag to disable the registration code
Experiencia web centrada en el usuario
Add a way to get to component settings from component admin
Add a CSV export of signatures for initiatives
Allow non-registered users to register for meetings
Alternative voting methods in budget
Authorization handlers to restrict users comments
Include static pages (help section) in the GraphQL API
Improve the score of comments
Online meetings for user generated meetings
Add "Ongoing" option to date filter on meetings
Include meeting organizers and participants in participants count
Módulo “Espacio de colaboración”
Allow deleting sections from preview view after participatory text import
Nuevo espacio de multiconsultas
Allow participants to write proposals without/before creating their account
Hide picture, bio and personal url for blocked users, even for logged in users
Módulo “Textos participativos”
Allow for more than one joint file
Add formating to term of use content on signup page
Reduce the list of assemblies shown to administrators
User flow / guidance tool
Enabling hashtags on user generated content
Add character count to conversations
Back To Top button on long pages
Export of proposals as word.doc
Use machine translation in notifications
Change the link in author tooltip to send easily a message to the author
Allow process admins to add private users
Add avatar to assembly members without a registered account
Para cada fase --> panel de El Proceso con diferente información
Enhance participatory process cards
Add view source to text editor in admin
Add a "From Label" to SMTP settings
Poder definir contingut per defecte al cos de la proposta
Vincular propostes i trobades de processos amb assemblees
Add images to the card on official proposals
Add granularity to notifications
Participatory process button statuses
Change term "Address" => "Location"
Create image galleries in proposals
Make the name of the organitzation the option of being multi-language
Detect the use of spam-bots and ban non compliant users
Show the amount of individual voters in the budgets component
Replace "Order position" fields with drag & drop
Create a daily digest with newly reported content
Include Advice/ announcement option/ field on Assemblees information page
Make debate end date
Add direct buttons to remove content or block users
Disable accountability automated progress caluclations
Change "change password" process to make user retype current password
Send reminders to users with pending votes
Let admins crop pictures on Decidim
Afegir delegació de vot al mòdul consultes
Add areas to initiatives
Possibility to configure the top level navigation
Identificador únic automàtic al procés de registre d'usuari
Follow button in the Proposal
Language preference in participant settings
Alphabetize sub-scopes in filters
Disable "sortitions" and "budgets" by default
Resultados por página:
Ver todas las propuestas retiradas


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