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To propose a new feature or functionality or an improvement or change upon an existing one, first please check out that it is not already on the roadmap, or that it hasn't been discussed already. Try to be as clear as possible when making a new proposal and take into account the instructions provided on "The Process" section. Thanks for contributing, your ideas and proposals are very valuable for this project.

814 proposals

Possibility for survey respondent to get a summary of their answers
Unify Management users private assemblies
Módulo “Configurador y generador de páginas de jornadas”
Add location data to proposals export and import
Survey logic feature for Decidim Survey
Add to Home Screen
Duplicar una enquesta
Opt-in to newsletter when using OmniAuth registration method
Survey - Raw data auto-treatment
Order assemblies and processes in public page
Autocomplete for @username mentions
Ocultar menú iniciatives quan no s'ha començat a utilitzar
Link to notifications settings in every email notification
Enhance initiative homepage block
Allow to filter assemblies by type
[EN] Diff rendering improvements in version control
Enable feature duplication
Possibility to return when you get to statues
Add versioning to initiatives
Módulo “Visualización de datos”
To improve the Terms of Service (TOS) block in the sign up
Vincular propostes i trobades de processos amb assemblees
Add reset search buttons to search forms
Editar propostes oficials
Use of the survey component as contact form. Notification required.
Collaborative Draft Form improvements
Add character count to conversations
Ability for users to discover their own content
Add areas to initiatives
Add anchor links to comments
Notify change of proposal state to the author
Order processes groups in processes page
Page to show all upcoming events
Disable accountability automated progress caluclations
Allow configuring an "after vote popup" for the budgets component
Revamp promoters committee members permissions
Digest notifications
Ability to hide and show questions when editing questionnaire
Option to disable the organizational chart of assemblies
Add traceability to process groups
Add anchors to different sections in the process/assembly pages
Registro de actividad de administradores, moderadores y verificadores
Add upvotes et downvotes to comments exports
Add "pay what you can" option for conference registration
Publish posts in my initiative as a user
Enhance mutli-tenancy capabilities by adding configuration options at the organization level
Export only the current selection in the admin
Bloquear usuarios después de múltiples intentos fallidos
Avoid re-randomizing the index when clicking on "back to list"
[EN] Duplicate the survey in the same process and in different processes / [ES] Duplicar la encuesta en el mismo proceso y en procesos diferentes
Make new proposal button more visible
Group actions for budgeting projects admin
Add address in the proposal answer (backend)
De-activate categories for new proposals, maintain them for results and old proposals
Opció d'afegir camps per crear una proposta
Create a daily digest with newly reported content
Automatic translation for user generated content
Añadir un contador de comentarios en cada tarjeta de propuesta dentro de la página listado de propuestas
Improce content discoverability (SEO)
Imatge en el cos de la proposta
Add a third meeting type for hybrid event (in person and online)
Visualization about the submitted proposals
Crear variables globales para tipo de organización y tipo de "base"
Can we add ordering options to the proposal list
Add images and attachments in Conversations / Groups
Incloure el component enquesta dintre d'una trobada
Add the number of followers in the follow button
Set the exact time when you want to start and end a consultation
Custom icons in my Home Screen
Optimize Largest Contentful Paint
Liquid democracy
Complete the Api
Postal access code verification for anonymous survey responses
Make exports configurable
Navigate processes, agoras, initiatives and votations on a map
Notifications digest
Permetre la pujada masssiva de documents adjunts o fotografies
Establir un mínim obligatori de suports a les propostes
Permitir a las organizaciones adherirse a una propuesta
Añadir a los botones de compartir un 'botón' para Mastodon
Possibility to configure default sorting for porposals
Display the component menu in participatory spaces
Feat join meeting as user group
Proposals - Improve address field user experience
Ability to create blog posts as a user group
Allow admins to see a participant's email from their profile page
Notifications on publish reports to meeting organizers
Revamp UX of consultations
Change the subject format for comment notifications
Enable external registration links
Integration with Jitsi
Send multiple notification emails in one ♻️
Open external links/related documents in another tab/window
Add a way to get to component settings from component admin
Restrict which authorized users can participate in a component / item
Include opening and closing date and time on debate information card.
Improving open data feature on Decidim
Custom offline fallback page
Allow deleting sections from preview view after participatory text import
Support/Vote without the need to be registered to Decidim
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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