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To propose a new feature or functionality or an improvement or change upon an existing one, first please check out that it is not already on the roadmap, or that it hasn't been discussed already. Try to be as clear as possible when making a new proposal and take into account the instructions provided on "The Process" section. Thanks for contributing, your ideas and proposals are very valuable for this project.

813 proposals

New content block - Process groups
Displays all yep, nope and neutral in colums
Tag system for administrators/evaluators
Specific census in a Consultation
Include opening and closing date and time on debate information card.
Enhance accessibility for disabled users
Add the ability for an admin to contact a user directly
Don't show error in case field is empty when creating a proposal
Incorporar informació del pressupost al seguiment de resultats
Add .xml sitemap config flag to /system
Set the exact time when you want to start and end a consultation
Revamp promoters committee members permissions
Módulo “Visualización de datos”
Allow filtering and ordering on processes on admin side
Permetre la pujada masssiva de documents adjunts o fotografies
Alternative voting methods in budget
Completar la funcionalidad polimórfica de seguir
Create a list of banned words for automatical reporting
Ampliar opcions de l'editor de text.
Mail invitació reunió a membres
Show child categories in export
Apply ransack's sort on process and assembly homepage in the backend
Recover a verified user activity
Possibles millores en el modul seguiment
Add a "Return" button in the FO to get back to indexes
Definir edat mínima i edat màxima
Survey logic feature for Decidim Survey
Implementación de un plan de civic engagement en la plataforma
Allow deleting sections from preview view after participatory text import
Cartes als regidors/es
Send notification to client with Push Notifications
Allow user to sort initiatives by publication date
Implementación de sistemas de ayuda y facilitación y evaluación contextual a personas usuarias y administradoras
Clarify sign in and sign up pages
As an admin I want to be able to add custom links on a participatory space navbar
User flow / guidance tool
Move homepage settings to Homepage section
Meeting registrations closing time
Add announcement in the Assembly space
Ability to ban users or IP addresses
Show results in the first page of the accountability component and other UX tweaks
Add Github like checklists to results
[Security] Add an external link warning
Admin can revoke old verifications
Add a way to get to component settings from component admin
Possibility to automatically activate process steps
Apoyar automáticamente la propuesta creada por el usuario
Allow admins to delete an official proposal
How to coordinate various platforms on different administrative scales?
Allow users/participants as a possible entry for sortition
LDAP support for user authentication
Use time ago instead of date
[EN] Chronologically order participatory processes and assemblies / [ES] Ordenar cronológicament los procesos participativos, asambleas y cons
Poder definir adreces URL personalitzades
Unlink Decidim hashtags from Twitter
Use an image from the page as meta image for link previews (meta image)
Multilingual Proposal entry
Templates for surveys
Make sure admins save their changes before leaving
PDF for participatory text consultations
Contrato social. Referencia a gobiernos e instituciones con investigación de violaciones de derechos humanos por organismos internacionales.
Participatory budget and metrics
Send reminders to registered meeting participants
Identificador únic automàtic al procés de registre d'usuari
Better control of the authorization permission requirements for a component
French inclusive writing
Permitir a las organizaciones adherirse a una propuesta
Notify participants when result execution state is updated, for those results related to their proposals
Afegir un botó "Afegir pregunta" a sota de les preguntes creades
No surt l'icona per respodre a una proposta i acceptar-la/rebutjar-la
Review Admin Log notifications
Voting rules on budget module
Incloure usuaris gestionats al Recompte total
Notifications on publish reports to meeting organizers
Possibility to use free text search for categories and scopes
Add "Ongoing" option to date filter on meetings
De-activate categories for new proposals, maintain them for results and old proposals
Merge actions of "Minutes" and "Close" in meetings
Possibility to configure the participatory space navigation
Caducitat de les dades d'autorització
Add filtering capabilities to meetings index page in admin
Multilingual URLs for language versions
Possibility to configure default sorting for porposals
Vote multiple times for a same project
Avoid re-randomizing the index when clicking on "back to list"
Possibility to configure the top level navigation
Add address in the proposal answer (backend)
En Usuarios de Asamblea implementar el campo de nickname
Add back to list link
Add new metadata fields to ParticipatoryProcesses
Add anchors to different sections in the process/assembly pages
Habilitar Meetings (encuentros) no presenciales y combinadas
Optimize First Contentful Paint
Mejorar el sistema de moderación de propuestas y usuarios
Proposals - Improve address field user experience
Ability for users to withdraw their meetings
Hide picture, bio and personal url for blocked users, even for logged in users
Enable links in private notes (proposal component)
Proposals - Internal tags for administrative purposes
Possibility to configure the sign in flow to send user to external service directly
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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